Avoid starting up/ageing accounts during Christmas?
Hi Guys,
I'm just about to start off with ageing accounts and listing my first handfull of used books before calling up to remove limits.
Just wanted a quick bit of advice before I move on with this please, Is it best to avoid Christmas season in general? I read that they really are cracking down on new accounts even when stealth has been followed to the T.
I'd like to get back on it ASAP. But guess I can wait a few more weeks if it means not getting accounts insta banned
I have have a had a bit of. a break form ebay but just recently began setting up new accounts/paypals etc
-I have just moved house so have new router/ Fresh IP and also using fresh VPN for each account.
-New bank accounts also setup and ready to go.
-Reformatted an old laptop and created different user account for each ebay account.