Has anyone had success lately using real details to verify eBay MP ID verification?
Hello everyone. I have a UK eBay Stealth account I have been using for the past 6 months, it has just done around £1200/1500 in sales and eBay has requested my ID and info and payouts have been frozen until confirmed.
I have around £300 in the frozen payouts due to some sales increases during the frozen payout period.
I am wondering if anyone has had success lately using real info and ID for this process? Or is better to start again using my real details? If I have to sacrifice the money on hold, I am willing to if it allows the best success.
The reason I use stealth is because I was stopped on eBay around 18 years ago for selling VERO products, since then I have never used my real details. I do however have an account in my real name just for buying on eBay.
Any advice / pointers would be greatly appreiciated!