Unlike Paypal funds,Ebay fund in your account can only be used on Ebay,so if you have no plan to buy anything on Ebay or shipping label,you have to transfer the fund yourself to your bank account.
Ebay buyer protection is only good for 30 days,while credit card you can file chargeback up to 180 days.
Some of you may not know this-
there are a large number of sellers who collect SSI $$ and the state will deposit the money into their bank accounts,at the same time,it will notice seller having other sources of income ,if that income exceeds more than allowed by SSI,it will either penalise the seller or reduce the payout.
By keeping the sales proceeds in their MP account,they can avoid such state scrutiny.
if the buyer is using his MP fund in his account,does the seller get more $$ as there is no card processing fee involved,which comes to 3% plus transaction fee?
with Paypal,it makes no difference,sellers still have to pay as if the buyer is using a credit card.
But just to be fair,no one works for free,it takes money to keep the site running and meeting payroll,so whether it is Paypal or AMZN or Ebay,they need the money to pay their bills.
Some of our local retail stores and services are now charging 3% if you use a card,debit or credit
I think it is against MC/VISA rule to set the minimum at $5,you can report them .
Local dollar store used to cringe when they see customers using their credit cards
I dont know about the 3% fee,but these days UTILITY COMPANIES like Comcaste will give you a discount if you let them debit your bank account. via auto payment
I am sure Ebay will come up with a way to keep both big and small sellers happy,it is not difficult
how do you make money off credit cards that the issuers suspend you?
They have cards issued for business accounts which earn bigger cashback.
It reminds me of All You can Eat Buffet.
If you eat too much,they are not going to like it.
They can even charge you more.
I use my AMEX card to buy grocery,I get 6% cash back for grocery up to $3600/year.
Not sure if it is exactly $3600,but there is a cap .
For others,I get 1%.
There is a $95 annual fee
I like their customer service,much better than the banks and there is extended warranty for items I purchased
Originally Posted by Delta1 That is a good amount % although annual fee is a bit on the high side unless you spend enough to earn it back. Is that rate limited to groceries? I have a card that is 2% for gas and gorceries but 0.5% for everything else.
For other spend, I use another card. We don't have anywhere near 6% in the UK for Amex. They've slashed rewards to 0.25% /0.5% and then there's reward points. My annual fee in about £35 and free for the ones with lower cashback.
Amex also offer other random cashback shopping and eating out deals which can be nice.
I too prefer Amex for the customer service and peace of mind. |
grocery is 6%,others may vary 1-3%,they have more than one type of AMEX card,some have no fee,but this one does,
they also have high yield saviings account,these days the rate is 4%.
Ebay does not accept AMEX anymore,but you can still use AMEX via Paypal.in fact once they even offer you $5 if you spend $35.
I like them because of their customer service,some of their reps are familiar with AMZN,Ebay
here is the link,for grocery 6% up to $6k,then 1%
streaming is also 6%
6% on grocery and streaming,these days a family of 4 easily would spend $6000 /year on food,thats $360,enough to pay for the $90 annual fee(or is it $95).
Originally Posted by rsot MP replaced in many if not all eb countries by now - i dont know if any exceptions exist....anyone? |
In the past,Paypal has problem with some Eastern European countries,Carribean countries and some Asian countries like Philipines,Vietnam .
But I think Adyen can do better.
The last thing a fraudster want to do is to use his Ebay fund to buy on Ebay for reselling.
You would be surprised there are still a lot of banks overseas that can generate a UK account number and sort code that
can you name a few?
Ebay is mimicking Paypal,when you get paid via PAYPAL,the fund stays in your Paypal account,until you spend it or withdraw to a bank account.
But you can use a Paypal debit card and shop as if it is a credit card and earn 1% cash rebate from Paypal,Ebay could do the same ,by issuing you a debit card and ask you to use it as a credit card.
By doing so,you can now spend your ebay fund outside Ebay and allow Ebay to earn some money (only when you use it as a credit card)
Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 View Post
You would be surprised there are still a lot of banks overseas that can generate a UK account number and sort code that can be used in the UK. The main high street banks are stricter but there are still dozens of easy to open options for people based overseas wanting to run a .co.uk account and withdraw.
can you give us names? of such banks??
what is EMI?
I have not heard of foreign banks passing out UK bank codes,even HK Shanghai bank cannot do so,although you can move money around from HK SHanghai in HK to HK SHANGHAI in India or UK.
For those of you who are reading this thread and are in USA and need to file US income tax return,there is a line on the 1040 which ask if you have any overseas bank accounts,so be careful
how do you do a chargeback with Ebay fund?