Paypal Limited Open new Account Limited again Please Help ??? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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UK PayPal Talk General issues related to UK Paypal

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Old 08-15-2009
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Question Paypal Limited Open new Account Limited again Please Help ???

Ok my Paypal account is limited forever! I have a friend who was nice enough to give his bank details to me so i can verifiy obivously I used his name address, phone number everything but after 2 days the account was limited why ??? what have i done wrong I did use my own PC Desktop to register didn't change the IP address could this be the reason ? As I did register my own account on the same ISP as am using know must have been the same IP aswell.
Well another friend of mine has said he will give his details but before that I need to no what I must do before i have another Paypal account limited. Please help Thanks
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Old 08-15-2009
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I think you need to buy eBay Stealth. It will be worth the money.

Wasting bank accounts is costly and time consuming.

Also, using a bank account you are not totally in control of may cause you problems along the road!
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Old 08-15-2009
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Originally Posted by Shadowman007 View Post
Ok my Paypal account is limited forever! I have a friend who was nice enough to give his bank details to me so i can verifiy obivously I used his name address, phone number everything but after 2 days the account was limited why ??? what have i done wrong I did use my own PC Desktop to register didn't change the IP address could this be the reason ? As I did register my own account on the same ISP as am using know must have been the same IP aswell.
Well another friend of mine has said he will give his details but before that I need to no what I must do before i have another Paypal account limited. Please help Thanks
You are going the wrong way. Read more posts here on the forum then decide how you want to proceed.
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Old 08-15-2009
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You obviously have some good friends.

If you want to keep them as friends I would strongly advise against using their bank accounts/personal details, even with their permission.

I doubt they fully understand the implications and that could cause problems later.

Far better to open your own bank accounts and create your 'own' contact details. I would say the Stealth Book is a must for you.

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Old 08-15-2009
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There are two things you must absolutely do before opening any new account or you'll get suspended right off the bat:

1) Always change your IP address between account creations, either using dial-up, VPN or MAC address manipulation (avoid proxies).

2) Use new computer or create new windows user accounts so cookies are separated (clearly browser cache and cookies is not enough)

This is the bare minimum. If you skip steps or are too lazy, you will lose all the bank info forever and they'll forever be linked. Now your friend will never be able to use Paypal with his current bank account.

Buy the eBAY Stealth Book. Read it, read it again, and then read it a third time. Browser the forums, use the search function, and if your questions are still left unanswered, feel free to post them and we'll do our best to help you.

But before we help you, you have to help yourself a little. You burned steps and got taken down for it. Get back up, learn from your mistakes, and do it better next time. Forget about this one and move.
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Old 08-15-2009
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1) Use the MAC method or get a DSL or use dialup or connect via cell phone. Avoid most VPNs. They're 'on to' that. There are a couple safe ones left, but nobody who knows will be spilling the beans.

2) Ding-Ding, yeah. And keep the cookies. It's safe. And works to your advantage.

Get the stealth guide. Don't try cheaping out of a good resource. Saving a dime to lose a dollar is not good business sense. Carpenters buy hammers instead of driving nails with their foreheads. Do what the pros do. Buy good tools. Then use them.

The guide has it all efficiently sorted. You can give it a once-over in a few hours. Scrounging around here gathering bits and pieces will take days, if you go non-stop (and you'll probably miss something important anyway). How much money is 48+ hours of your time worth? More than the cost of the stealth guide? Probably.

Study the guide, come back here to fill in the most updated details of relevance. Get back on better and faster. The extra days of being back in business will PAY you for being smart enough to use the stealth guide as your shortcut.

No BS. No lie.

Last edited by Vicvelcro; 08-15-2009 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 08-15-2009
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Originally Posted by Shadowman007 View Post
Ok my Paypal account is limited forever! I have a friend who was nice enough to give his bank details to me so i can verifiy obivously I used his name address, phone number everything but after 2 days the account was limited why ??? what have i done wrong I did use my own PC Desktop to register didn't change the IP address could this be the reason ? As I did register my own account on the same ISP as am using know must have been the same IP aswell.
Well another friend of mine has said he will give his details but before that I need to no what I must do before i have another Paypal account limited. Please help Thanks
Welcome to the forum,shadowman.
Firstly don't change the font size 'cos it hurts my eyes.LOL
You really should stop using friends to do business with paypal. I know it really hurts when you get limited but at least you have come to the forum and you can get help. Friends & business are It is possible to get bank accounts even with impaired credit.
What you need to understand is that now you are a new person. Think witness protection. (That's how it was explained to me when I joined). Everything must be new. The other posters have given you information about what to do. I will just run over some of the stuff:
avoid VPN. (not 100% OK for STEALTH purposes)
Read more of the forum and indeed the Stealth Book.You will see how the story goes to re-creating the new stealth you.
Feel free to send me a pm if you have any questions
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