Loyds isa rejected pp after 2 months. Any ideas?
I got a message from pp saying my bank account has been rejected and to add another.
I am using a loyds isa savers.
All was well for the last 2 months.
Initial deposits went through and I made 2 tranfers of a tenner and a fifty which went through and I got my cash and spent it.
However, 2 days after the last transfer (the fifty) I got the message from pp.
I tried to add the same bank details again, but it said I cant use that bank and to add another.
Its not a problem for me to add another bank.
As the pp is verified, I was thinking not even to bother adding a new bank acc., but just to use the money that comes into it to buy stuff like cloths etc.
I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or similar story or a 'workaround'.
(luckily new tax year is coming soon so I can open another isa with another bank and try that down the road)
Last edited by Alps_a somewhatlegend; 03-17-2011 at 09:55 PM.
Reason: spelling and I had more to say