Managed Payments Website Error
I updated my account not too long ago to managed payments. All way well, and got the upload verification. I followed and it was sent. I get a response back that my screen shot was missing two letters of my last name of the screen shot. So, I went back to reupload the document. It prompted a call us to verify your phone number prompt. Of course, the phone was out dated. I then proceed to update the phone number, but the system completely logs me out and takes me back to the give us a call prompt.
After giving it a few days to possibly clear of a glitch, I tried and it still could not be fixed. I gave a call to customer support of different occasions where I was basically told they cant touch anything in the system. Zero possibility to update personal information even if you use their system to verify who you are when you call. The glitch only results on specific tabs under your information, too. The edit email, and the edit number and address. This is beyond ridiculous in terms of allowing something so simply to basically destroy a massive account. I honestly dont know what to do.