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Old 05-19-2007
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Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Ok I realize this is probably the newbie questions to end all newbie questions, but having never created a website of my own for the purpose of sales explicitly, I have to ask a couple of basic questions.

First, why do you need a domain to create a sales website? In the most basic terms, what is it for, and why is it essential?

Second, having lived off self hosting online users like photobucket, Auctiva, and certain ISP's, what is the importance/advantages of buying a host for content?

Third, is Dreamweaver expensive, are there different levels, and which level do you recommend?

And might as well go for broke...Fourth, if you use Auctiva, which has their own templates, why would you want to purchase templates?

At the moment, I'm on a low budget and just looking for a basic (though professional) looking website to build from, and sell my items as I gradually ween myself from ebay. Nothing too fancy to begin with, I'll just be glad to have a base to call my own rather than floating from ebay account to wherever.

today is your lucky day, For useres like you and me who has little knowledge about building websites I'm going to use one of these sites to build my website. Basically they take care of the programming. You just have to selcet what you want..

Modee/Aspkin what do yaw think????

Infinitylink.net- Niche Websties| Turnkey Websites | Web Templates| Business Opportunities ready for business in 24 hours!
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Aspkin Group

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