Wished I would have found a long time ago...
I am very new at selling on eb. & using PP. I only wished I would have even known anytthing like this forum and the Stealth Book even existed. Just never thought about it. I have learned a lot the past few days and when I get all my facts straight and my ducks lined up I will try at least one more time. I am really burned out with all the stress this has caused me. I seriously have not eaten or slept hardly at all the last week. I was doing so well the past 90 days and then the **** hit the fan and it didn't stop for a week of sheer terror & misery. So I have asked a friend who has puter & IT knowledge to help because I am severly lacking in those aspects of this. I have a customer service and marketing background. I also have had 4 major surgeries in 2012 and that has affected my comprehension & memory not to mention I am 65 YO & disabled which doesn't help. So thanks so very much to those that have already offered help here. I only hope I can give back one day. I know it was that way 12 years ago on the last forum I belonged to. It took a while.