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aspkin 07-26-2018 01:26 AM

How to become a Forum Service Provider
Want to Purchase a Service? Great! We'll soon have if not already VCCs for verification, Amazon Ungating, Amazon Appeals, Crypto Cashout and other services that are in high demand. Go here if you're looking for Accounts for Sale.

Most people who purchase services do so in order to save time. That said, I STRONGLY recommend reading eBay Stealth or Amazon Ghost before purchasing any services. The guides will not only show you how to protect your investment but how to create solid accounts to work with.


Safe Transaction Notice: While we only approve those members who show they are knowledgeable, helpful towards other members, trustworthy and most importantly have excellent customer service skills. It is ultimately your responsibility to secure any products or services obtained from the seller. It is recommended to change your password to accounts procured as soon as possible. When sending funds, transactions are between you and the seller. It is your responsibility to protect yourself when sending funds. Sending a Bank Wire is not an acceptable way to send funds to a seller. You do so at your own risk. Sending funds in a manner in which you are unable to dispute is not smart. Sending LARGE payments (over $250) is STRONGLY discouraged. While we make every attempt for a safe trading environment, we ask that you do your part, protect yourself and report any outstanding issues to moderators. Sellers with multiple complaints against them are shut down immediately. We do our best to protect all members of the forum. That said, the sellers you see in the forum have proven to they can be trusted and deliver on their promises. Respect the notice above and you will have a smooth transaction.

If there is a dispute between you and a seller, please try to work with the seller to resolve that issue. Understand that not all sellers are online 24/7 and we all have families. That said if you have tried to resolve an issue but are unsuccessful, contact the marketplace manager (JamesNorth101) or aspkin for assistance.

Marketplace Manager: JamesNorth101; aspkin

Disputes: If there is a dispute between you and a service provider of the forum, please be patient and know that your order will be completed or fixed by the seller as soon as possible. Please make sure to stay in contact with the seller via private message and not to spam their seller thread with demands. Abusive buyers will be removed. If you need assistance you may contact myself or another moderator to mediate, but ONLY if all else fails with the seller in question.


How to Provide Services In the Forum: Want to become a service provider in the forum? We are always looking for knowledgeable, trustworthy and WELL established forum members to be be service providers and help other stealth members. If you are a new member, we can't accept you. You must meet the following requirements before we can consider you as a service provider.

What we are looking for...
1. Activity: We look for members who are helpful towards other forum members, knowledgeable and most importantly mature. You MUST have 100 quality posts in the forum to apply.
2. History: You must be active in the forum no less than 3 months.

Not that bad right? We do this because we only want good, trustworthy service providers in the forum.

Want to provide a service on the forum? Let me know about it here.


Play 07-26-2018 11:08 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
Looking forward to this section, especially the bitcoin exchange!

dazller_the_great 01-18-2020 06:16 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
this forum is my favourite now ,i cant find many sources on the internet that have a helpful and professional community like this one , thanks for the admins , looking forward to become a service provider too

afincho 04-05-2020 02:33 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
I have just finished filling the form. I will highly appreciate it if you can have a look at my application.

Thank you

Akhtar 09-10-2020 05:49 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
Need Uk Ebay paypal stealth accounts. Looking for a good and trusted person guide

jsw840901 11-15-2020 05:42 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
hi, how can i apply for this? ready to sell.

rsot 11-15-2020 06:18 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
PM aspkin or James

But notice the criteria...

naveedx 04-22-2021 05:16 AM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
I don't meet the requirements YET but I do work for a cellphone carrier in Canada. Not sure if that's a service that's needed here (I can activate prepaid Lucky Mobile, Public Mobile, Chatr, Telus and Koodo accounts with any info)

Dartanian 05-08-2021 03:44 PM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
wish someone told be about this forum before...

Oldie 09-12-2021 03:38 PM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
Will be providing more value to the forum.

mon73 12-14-2021 06:06 PM

Re: How to become a Forum Service Provider
Thank you very much

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