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Old 01-03-2021
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Default advice on creating multiple amazon stealth seller accounts

I want to create 10-20 new amazon seller accounts for dropshipping. Each w it's own unique llc/bank account/phone number/address etc. that parts easy, the security part i'm needing advise.

I've been considering following a strategy that a friend of mine has employed successfully but am interested in other routes.

His strategy is to pay his friends/family for them to sign up w their ssn, then a week later he switches all their info to the new llc. I like this idea because it solves the problem of the IP address, but i'd rather not even have to deal w the hassle of asking them to go through the sign up w their own info because of annoying trust questions ya know. I asked him why he doesn't just have them sign up at their house w his new llc info as opposed to using their own ssn and he said because amazon often asks for a utility bill and that's tuff to get w the typical Wyoming registered agent address. For this i feel confident in just photoshopping a utility bill so I can just have them sign up w the new llc info.

Conversely I also really like the thought of buying multiple Remote Desktop VPSs because they are only like $15 a month, I don't have to bug anyone i know and I have full control of everything, but then it leaves open the problem of getting an IP address. My bigger issue here is i'm just too cheap to pay like anything over $20/month for an residential/Fresh IP address. I also have this gut feeling that there's no way to verify the ip i'm paying for is what i'm hoping i'm actually paying for and is unused.

Notes: I am in USA, and i've heard comments on other threads of people saying "easiest way to get Fresh IP is just to create a mobile hotspot" but then doesn't that mean that I would have a different IP address everytime I tried to connect using this method? When really I want to have 1 ip address be the same for each account that I log into and it always be the same when I log into it.

Also heard pple suggest using a VPN, but then I think that's essentially creating the same problem, it will connect me to a random ip that not only changes everytime (problem) but it also opens the chance that IP is linked to another amazon account.

I do have enough tech skills to create multiple Virtual Machines on a fresh new laptop (not saying much), but still leaves open the Fresh IP problem. And if it sparks any ideas for anyone - I actually rent monthly 2 different VPS for personal web development and each of them do have 2 dedicated IPs each. But i'm not sure how to determine if those IPs are static/residential/fresh or just datacenter IPs that are easily detectible and if those are something i can use or not because I do have them.Maybe i'm just rambling here, but maybe this conversation will clear some clouds.

Last edited by kb121212; 01-03-2021 at 05:30 AM.
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