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KatrinHadson 08-30-2018 01:16 PM

Suspended Amazon Account
Hello everyone, I am in dire need of your help. I have been selling on Amazon for just over a year now, and as far as I can tell, things were going great. I’ve been making enough to cover all costs and overhead, I’ve been responding to all of my customers promptly, and I have been doing my best to get my products in the mail as quickly as humanly possible.
Last month I hired my first employee, and I thought things were going better than ever. The income was steady, the work was getting done well and on time, and I was getting positive review after positive review… until I got on my computer this morning and was given the message my account has been closed.
I have no idea what is going on. I read through all my messages, and I can’t see anyone who appears unhappy. In fact, my last review was one of the nicest reviews I have ever received! Does anyone know why Amazon would suddenly ban my account? They haven’t given me any information, and I desperately need to get this fixed. Any and all advice is welcome! Thank you all!

SaiJin 08-30-2018 01:22 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Welcome to the forum.

If you check in the performance tab, there should be an email that's sent to you or even a few emails with warnings and suspension notice.

Can you paste the suspension email in here for us to read?

Second, what type of items are you selling?

Beautiful 08-30-2018 10:11 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Definitely need more information on the type of suspension you got if you want some input :)

IGNAS 08-31-2018 10:32 AM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Well, as others said - we need more info. to help.

Check the notifications - you should see a message or several ones from Amazon with a reason why they decided to suspend you. :)

KatrinHadson 09-01-2018 08:58 AM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Update: Hello again. Thanks for your advice, I do appreciate it. I have been talking to Amazon about this daily, trying to figure out what is going on, but I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere. The customer service reps are telling me they can’t tell me precisely why Amazon has closed down my account, and they keep referring me back to the terms of service.
I’ve read the terms inside and out so many times I could practically recite them from memory at this point, and I’m just not seeing where I went wrong. To make matters worse, I had to let me employee go already… after one month of work!
As far as getting my account back, I’m not sure that’s going to happen, either, as one rep told me that Amazon carefully reviews every account before making a decision, so if I have been banned, there had to be a good reason.
Perhaps there is, but I just want to know what that reason is! I’m still looking through my messages and all the interactions I’ve had, but again, I would greatly appreciate any sort of advice you have to offer. I’m trying everything that people suggest, so hopefully something works! Again, thank you so much.

Beautiful 09-01-2018 01:58 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Maybe post the original suspension email that you received from them

KatrinHadson 09-02-2018 12:59 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Problem solved! Hello everyone! I just thought I would come back in to let you all know how things turned out for me. Perhaps someone else on here who has a similar experience can do what I did and fix their issue, too.
Anyway, in spite of all my hard work and negotiations, Amazon refused to re-open my seller account, stating that my violation doesn’t allow me to own an account anymore. So, I simply opened another.
With this incredible new software I have, I can have as many accounts as I want, without Amazon ever checking where my IP address is coming from, meaning that I can’t get shut down again, or, if I do, that I’ll simply open another account later.
I just hope this helps someone else out there. I know how frustrating it is to lose all that time and hard work, and I’m still incredibly irritated about what happened. But, onward and upward, and I am back on track now. With the money I’m making, I ought to be able to hire a new employee by the end of the month, and things should be looking up again.
Thank you all for your help.

Beautiful 09-02-2018 01:24 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
we been bamboozled

RustyShackelford 09-02-2018 01:24 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Does this seem like a made up story so he can try so sell something on here.

Juicia 09-04-2018 06:57 AM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account
Hi KatrinHadson,
What did you exactly do? what about the funds you had in your previous account? Did Amazon release that to you yet?

fredy 09-06-2018 02:10 PM

Re: Suspended Amazon Account

Originally Posted by KatrinHadson (Post 941212)
Problem solved! Hello everyone! I just thought I would come back in to let you all know how things turned out for me. Perhaps someone else on here who has a similar experience can do what I did and fix their issue, too.
Anyway, in spite of all my hard work and negotiations, Amazon refused to re-open my seller account, stating that my violation doesn’t allow me to own an account anymore. So, I simply opened another.
With this incredible new software I have, I can have as many accounts as I want, without Amazon ever checking where my IP address is coming from, meaning that I can’t get shut down again, or, if I do, that I’ll simply open another account later.
I just hope this helps someone else out there. I know how frustrating it is to lose all that time and hard work, and I’m still incredibly irritated about what happened. But, onward and upward, and I am back on track now. With the money I’m making, I ought to be able to hire a new employee by the end of the month, and things should be looking up again.
Thank you all for your help.

there is a hidden message in your story that you have some kind of super software where you can open as many amazon accounts as you can and that amazon will not check your ip, never heard about such a super software before.

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