Remote Login into Seperate Computer (Instead of Mac Addresses) - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 03-16-2011
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Default Remote Login into Seperate Computer (Instead of Mac Addresses)

Hello all!

I had a question in regards to the stealth accounts, I am curious... I am not in any need of this right now, but may be in the future as Amazon customers are a whole different animal and am learning that and we are correcting some issues to help remedy negative feedback. I just hope its not too little too late.

Currently we are doing about $25,000 a month on Amazon and if we get booted ever I want to have a ghost account already set up and ready to go with the increased volume, so I think I am going to get Amazon Stealth and start setting up a second account (just as a backup, currently our ODR is .4, but this is how my wife makes a living for her to stay home with our soon to be born child and losing Amazon terrifies me.)

I have read about reseting mac addresses and using new computers, but has anyone tried a service like logmein to login to a different offsite computer and then accessing Amazon from there? I am going to setup a new business account and the whole nine yards, but I was thinking of paying my brother in a different state to run everything that has to do with Amazon so that I would not have any contact at all with anything to do with the Amazon web site of the business.

Either that or paying him for the use of his computer through a service like logmein. Has anyone tried this? Can Amazon see that a computer that has logged their website is being accessed by a different computer?

Just a thought, and an emergency plan.
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Old 03-17-2011
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amazon will not see the remote logger (you). they have no idea that the computer is being used by logmein.
you should start using your stealth account to sell and build up feedbacks and reputation with amazon if your in it for the long haul, which i'm thinking you are.
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