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Old 05-27-2014
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Default Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

A little background, just got suspended out of no where. I am starting a new account and want to hear what you think and considering a new ebay as a backup as my current ebay is from 2005 and do not want to wake up to the same type of message and have a backup plan.

Im going to start a new llc, my current accounts were/are business accounts, so looks like i be owner of 2 companies now!

I am planning on getting a po box, llc, phone number, email, business checking, a new cheap laptop and the one the wireless 4g internet cards, im not to familiar with these and use this computer strickly for the new ebay and amazon account only and then i can use my current setup for my current ebay as is.

Currently i was using shipstation to pull all my sales togethor and printing shipments. I was also using godaddy bookkeeping for my records and afraid if i tie everything togethor it may cause a duplicate account suspension. The new ebay and amazon would start slow so in the beginning it will not be much work and ebay i would just sell the 10 items a month they start you and built the account as a backup. With amazon, a few items a week untill i get feedback and its been around for a while. Some questions i have, does this sound like the easiest way to run multiple accounts from one location. Another question, i believe at some point i had to provide paypal with id, im not sure why. I can always put the ebay account in my fiance's name, as well as amazon, but i want to make sure i will be taxed at the end of year under the business, not her.

You guys running multiple accounts/business's, how to ship orders, do you go to each account and print manually, or do you use something to pull everything togethor to make it an easier process. Another question is how do you handle your records for tax purposes. I was tracking everything togethor my own website, ebay, amazon. Do you separately track everything each business for the end of the year. Sorry for the long post, but i want to atleast get the new accounts open in the next week and start selling slowly after that.
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Old 05-27-2014
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Default Re: Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

Sorry another question, i see members talking about having 10 amazon and 10 ebay accounts. I would be fine with 10 llc's, but how do you get 10 address's, and then 10 bank accounts. Do you use somekind of reloadable debit card. Im in the us. 10 phone numbers wouldnt be hard with all the free phone apps. But how do you use a computer, is it the vps i am hearing about or is their 10 different internet connections and 10 different computers. Ghost says you simply cant create a new user because of the mac address
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Old 05-27-2014
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Default Re: Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

Another question, sorry for all the questions, I am trying to get everything sorted out this week so I can start on this. When I open my busiess checking account, I would get a visa debit card, this is what I was planning on using as the credit card on file, how do I go about the billing address on the credit card, I am pretty sure I need to open the business accounts billing address would be my physical address which I cannot use, how do you get around this?
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Old 05-27-2014
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Default Re: Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

sorry one more question, po box, should I use one in my same zipcode or a nearby zipcode also.
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Old 06-01-2014
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Default Re: Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

Well let me see if I can help you out a little here.

Get yourself one of those visa gift cards ( the Vanilla gift cards work great get the prepaid version, these work best) for each account. When you buy the card, register it on the vanilla website with the zip code associated with that stealth account, this will eliminated the billing issue.

For bank accounts it's best to buy a Virtual back accounts ( there are people who sell these on this forum), and add them in conjunction with your gift cards. But monitor the account first before adding you real bank account info.

For the po box its better to rent a mail box( is a very good one).

I am still new here, but these are some of the tips I have garnered here thus far.
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Old 06-03-2014
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Default Re: Amazon suspened, bought ghost some questions

Definitely use VM Ware Player. Its a free download. Just google it and you install an ISO image with each virtual machine you want. Its basically a computer within a computer and each one can be changed to whatever you want.

Very easy vs the other ways of having to get 10 computers and etc.
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