MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 12-31-2014
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Unhappy MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive

Hi Guys,

Hows everyone's new year going?... I am really depressed atm

Got the below email today on a 2+ year account with 100% positive feedback with 800+ feedback, my world feels shattered right now especially since I was doing so well, the account just recently had an increased selling limit of 1800items/$320,000 a month! DSR was average 4.8 out of 5.0!

I am especially upset and down right now because this account had a store I was using with goods till cancelled and out of stock option checked, which meant on some items that are high valued $250-$300 I had over 100 items sold on them and was the rating #1 for best match in eBay search, and was for a particularly extremely popular item going on eBay at the moment, but had full positive feedback from everyone about it.

Couldn't come at a worse time when I have just ordered a large shipment of the product ready to sell and this occurs, same thing happened with another account of mine with over 400 feedback and a fairly high selling limit that was aged over 2 years as well.

I have a lot of stealth but not like these seasons top seller above standard rating accounts with massive selling limits! I am just completely shut down and weakened at the moment.... what do I do? any suggestions? I have had this long time ago on crappy accounts and didn't get them reinstated but have managed to once in the past I cant remember how. I have called eBay for both accounts and submitted appeals, one got rejected and still waiting for the other reply (unlikely). I know a lot more than usual $$ have been going through the account but its seasoned and well established with verified ID docs... and tracking and shipping is always supplied asap, also the PayPal accounts were fully verified and unrestricted also.

The reason they gave was "we have reports of counterfeit goods being sold under xyz" to which I laughed as I have been selling them for years and I know they are legit and have 100% + ratings.... the only thing I can thing of is recently had a couple listings pulled because of image copyright violation, but that went away and had no more issues.

Any suggestions/help would be appreciated... I just feel like death right now =(

Hello XXXXX,

After reviewing your eBay account, we have concerns about your selling activity. As a result we've taken the following actions on your account:
- Selling privileges have been indefinitely restricted. You won't be able to list new items. You're also not allowed to register a new account.
- Some or all of your listings may have been removed. A list of any removed items will be listed further down in this email.
- We have credited any associated fees to your account.

Our decision is based on evidence from our records and our goal to keep eBay a safer place for buyers and sellers. We're not comfortable with your selling practices or business model, and we feel they don't help to promote a positive buying and selling environment.

Even though you can't sell on our website, you can still use your account to buy or bid on items. For more information on the basics of buying, please visit:

You can also:
- Send email
- Obtain shipping addresses
- Leave Feedback
- Perform other administrative tasks

Please remember that you can't use other accounts or register new accounts to sell on eBay. If you do, your accounts could be limited, restricted, or suspended.

Here are the listings we removed:

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.



Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.

Last edited by dom03; 12-31-2014 at 08:51 AM.
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Old 12-31-2014
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Default Re: MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive

Not much you can do about the lost account unfortunately... Weve all been there and it sucks big time.
Your best and only option is to get stealthing. Make sure you do not place all your eggs in one basket this time around - make sure to spread your sales across multiple account s and grow all of them simultaneously. Make sure in the future if one goes down youre still up and running.
I know it seems like a lot of work - and it is - but you CAN get it done and you CAN get back to selling high volume again.
AGED SUPER HIGH LIMIT ACCOUNTS: 10,000/$1,000,000 and 25,000/$500,000
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Old 12-31-2014
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Default Re: MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive

Originally Posted by dom03 View Post
Hi Guys,

The reason they gave was "we have reports of counterfeit goods being sold under xyz" to which I laughed as I have been selling them for years and I know they are legit and have 100% + ratings.... the only thing I can thing of is recently had a couple listings pulled because of image copyright violation, but that went away and had no more issues.


You made a miscalutaion.

Those pulled listings are more than likely the reason for this issue now.

Your account got tainted because of them. ebay is known to retrospectively take more action on accounts that have expired notices.

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Old 03-06-2015
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Default Re: MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive

It was 100% the pulled listings. This is a serious violation and in seasoned accounts ebay allows 2-3. Accounts are reveiwed every 30 days and when they see this they shut them down. This happened to me about a year ago and I was devastated. Don't use copyright images and if you must you have to edit them. I crop them and remove background on FS. For this reason I went stealth. I just lost one of my three stealthy bc PayPal limited my account. Now they say they are closing my paypal acct and holding my funds for 180 days! They suck balls! Just get up and keep going. Get multiple accounts and never rely on one.
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Old 07-01-2015
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Default Re: MC999 eBay Indefinite selling restriction on a 2 year accnt / 100% positive

How many listings did you get pulled for the same violations?
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