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Old 09-12-2019
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Default Using Parcel Lockers as new addresses

So here in Aus we have a thing called a parcel locker, its basically like a PO box but its free and not permanent, you use them for receiving mail as the name states.

Basically you get a numeric code and then you can create as many lockers as you want in different locations around the country. Ive had multiple ones and used them as my mailing address for my non stealth ebay accounts and Paypal account for a couple of years.

They work by using your personal number eg. 000444 plus street address of the location you choose, so an example would be

Jon Smith
Parcel Locker 000444
111 Main St,

but you can have as many as you want with the same number but a different street address.

My question is, could you use variations of these lockers as the address on different stealth accounts with different? The street address would always be different but the Parcel Locker number would always be the same, would this be enough to raise red flags? Or would it be viable to just use the street addresses for your address when creating accounts?

I would love to know if any Aussies have experience of this or if anyone else has any insight, really hope this isn't a stupid question!

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