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Old 03-03-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

I lost over 90% of my accounts on around Christmas season of 2014 and it really hit me hard. I did not sell on ebay for 3 months. I just needed a break from the ebay stress. I came back much more determined than anything else.

I took a long vacation around the country. It was fun.
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Old 03-04-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

Originally Posted by phaz0rz View Post
@newjerseymax - Why exactly did you revive this thread? Were you sitting around drinking beer and thought to yourself "man, I think I'm going to share with others how I handle losing accounts by reviving a thread from a year and a half ago."

HAHAHAHA, I kid, I kid..
Sometimes it takes me a while to think about the answer.. This one took a bit
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Old 03-04-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

Stealth ebay accounts who cares I can make another in minutes, but stealth PP with money in them limited for 180 days is a kick right in the crown jewels.
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Old 03-04-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

Originally Posted by yotano211 View Post
I lost over 90% of my accounts on around Christmas season of 2014 and it really hit me hard. I did not sell on ebay for 3 months. I just needed a break from the ebay stress. I came back much more determined than anything else.

I took a long vacation around the country. It was fun.
Should have come north
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Old 03-04-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

Originally Posted by rsot View Post
Should have come north
And visit whom?, your hamsters? I dont know anyone up north and I didnt have a passport at that time.

I do want to take that Canadian train ride that goes from coast to coast. Its among the longest train rides in the world.
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Old 05-10-2016
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Default Re: Do you get upset when you lose a stealth?

Originally Posted by Dmshark25 View Post
Now it doesn't phase me if it happens, I spread sales,so thin and keep growing everyday that, I only need a few sales per stealth account per month or longer, so the days of having that one power selling machine is gone for me.

This way I'm so under the radar, I rarely have any problems anymore because my accounts look like an occasional seller

And I'll never sell an item that expensive, losing $1600 would sting me as well, there's just too many scammers and other problems that will arise that the items I sell on eBay are from $10- $45 and that is my cost and I can make 3 times my cost in profit.

And that saves on a lot of the pain of losing an item or dispute, because I'm able to because of the profit margins of my items

I know you can get insurance, but either way u will need to wait things out and I just like to buy and sell and keep,it simple and smooth, and I build thr business to be able to absorb any hits

I save more expensive items for Amazon and not even that much more,,I will not sell an item that costs more than $200

I tend to find lower costing items that have bigger profit margins and I no longer get upset anymore

Before I'd nurture the account like a baby and be very patient and allow it to mature and than I'd wait 90 days before selling anything to just get restricted when the money starts flowing

EBay wants to rid the small seller so I have transformed my whole strategy with eBay, and it involves a lot of accounts, I make 3 accounts everyday, and I'll have 2 day periods here and there where I'll do nothing but build accounts.

And I'll make the eBay account by verifying it over the phone , which stabilizes it,and makes it a little stronger and my first item now is an item where I'll make at least a $50 -$70 profit, and than I'll move to the next account and won't go back to that account for 4-6 weeks , sometimes little longer now because I'm expanding everyday

And that is my strategy to avoid that heartache of losing that one account that was a powerhouse money maker
It sounds like you have a lot of accounts. How do you withdraw all your money? Do you have a bank account attached to each PayPal?
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