Can eBay link a suspended account through items for sale??
Hi All
I have a stealth account that has been up and running for 3 months now
My question is I have a very specific item that I have tried to list previously (not using my Stealth Account) and i was suspended by eBay.
However, since the item that I want to list basically 'spells out' the name of another suspended account would this be enough for eBay to link to other suspended accounts? It's difficult because I really would like to sell this item but don't want my stealth account suspended.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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If eBay suspended your original account becasue they did not like the item, then it will not matter if the accounts link or not. They will just close this one as well.
If it was suspended for something else, then make sure that EVERYTHING is different. New titles, different photos, description, etc.
No, they didn't suspend my account because of the item i listed. If was due to a linked suspended account....
Basically the item is one of a kind number plate... I can change photos, description etc... but would they link the item to previously suspended accounts?