Shopping with VCCs are legal and safe? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Credit Card Alternatives Prepaid, Gift, Debit and Credit Cards. Credit Card Alternatives. Bank Account Verification and Alternatives.

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Old 03-11-2010
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Default Shopping with VCCs are legal and safe?


I want to buy some things from online stores, but I have no credit card. There are many people and websites that are offering virtual credit cards, most of them accept Paypal payments, which is nice for me since I'm going to pay by Paypal. I'm thinking about buying a reloadable VCC, but I have some doubts about it. Hope you can help...

Now, my questions:
1- Is it legal to buy those virtual credit cards and use them?..

I have no idea about the process, like how they buy those VCCs and then register them in a way that I can use them etc. Is it totally legal?..

2- Say, if an online store/merchant will find out I'm using a VCC bought from an online seller, what would be his reaction? Is there a reason for him to feel uncomfortable?..

3- I'll use it at relatively bigger online stores, not at e-bay kinda sites. Most of those websites say, they're going to ask the bank and verify the credit card information for security reasons, is there any problem with VCCs?

If there are any other risks involved I should know and be careful about, please write them. Thanks...
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