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ouako 07-17-2018 09:15 PM

Inkfrog/stamps.com On Multiple Seller Accounts?
After losing my main eBay account to MC999, I have been building stealth accounts. One account has been my main seller, while the other two have just been building trust with bids and such.

I want to start selling on all the accounts, but it is painstaking to start one VM, wait for VPN, log in, transfer files through email, erase EXIF, upload photos, ect. It takes forever, and I am looking for a new alternative.

I saw Inkfrog. It looks like a great software to do exactly what I need. I know you turn off sharing information with merchant, and then you should be good. Is there anything else that I need to know? Connect to each IP before attempting to link a new account to inkfrog, and then I never need to use that IP again until I need to log into the actual website again?

Would the same be with stamps.com? I love using stamps, but hate having to import each order manually. It would be awesome to import them all at once.

Thanks everyone!

cr0nis 07-18-2018 07:19 PM

Re: Inkfrog/stamps.com On Multiple Seller Accounts?

After my real account was perma banned from selling I went the stealth route. Typing this on my phone while I rock my son to bed so sorry for bad grammar and formatting.

I have about 6 now all using inkfrog. There are a few key things
- follow the guide to creating your accounts with no linking. I create new windows users, log up addressss etc. - once your account is set up you will need to add your account into inkfrog (generate token) while logged into the user account and the unique up address. Once the token is created into inkfrog you can access inkfrog from any computer, modify auctions, respond to messages. The only thing I can’t do is feedback and shipping
- I always Add the token to inkfrog after by eBay and PayPal accounts are linked. Please note that sometimes eBay asks me to call and give a security code if I do this on very new accounts. I just call and they release the security hold.
- I have had two accounts banned but not by linking (my accounts are made with the idea hat they will eventually get banned). The other 6 accounts are in good standing
- some mention not to use templates. I have used it on one account and it has not been banned. But I don’t think it’s worth the risk

I personally love inkfrog. Super easy and cheap. It also lets you save your auctions as “master” profiles allowing you to easily load and modify per account.

Let me know if you have any questions.

danger007uk 02-13-2019 08:23 AM

Re: Inkfrog/stamps.com On Multiple Seller Accounts?
Hi, thanks for that.

I lost my accounts and now taking the stealth route. 2 of my accounts are restricted and I just bought 2 stealth accounts. Can I still use inkfrog?

I am worried about a few things:

- someone told me not to upload images using Inkfrog but through ebay or another image hosting platform? How can I do it? Can I create a different folder for each ebay account in inkfrog and then this would change the url for the images, or is it do with the information the image hold such as inkfrog account
- not to use templates - is that an issue? Some say its not and other say it is.

Thanks alot in advance for the help

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