MC019 Copyright violation Fight Back, is crossborder lawsuit worst scenario? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 01-02-2010
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Exclamation MC019 Copyright violation Fight Back, is crossborder lawsuit worst scenario?

Hi all.

I am a non Austraian Citizen nor U.S. citizen who has a Australia ebay account and I am selling stuff on ebay Australia, which I ship items worldwide for around 1 month. I got around 10 listings removed a few days ago due to MC019 copyright violation-unauthorised item suggested by the copyright owner in the U.S. I then got 7 days suspension.

As the item I sold are 100% authentic and bought from authorised vendor(i got the receipt with me), I filed a VERO appeal. According to my knowledge, the copyright owner now has 10 days to decide whether to bring the case the court or not. So there are 2 scenarios now:

1. If they do not respond to my vero appeal within 10 days, then I will win the appeal by default and the items can be relisted. However, this doesn't gurantee that they won't be taken down again.

Question: How to prevent them from being taken down again in this case? I heard someone succeeded to stop his listings being taken down again by Microsoft through negeotiating with eBay. That guy sells microsoft software on ebay.

2. Worst case: If they decide to bring the case to court, do I need to appear in court in the United States to defend myself? Or it's their responsibility to come here to Australia and bring me to the Australia court?(The copyright owner got sub branch in Australia, though the MC019 I received was from their headquarter in the States)

Just to remind you that I am not a U.S. citizen nor an Australia citizen. I don't reside in either places as well.

Many thanks!
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