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solefoodbk 11-01-2014 01:30 PM

Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Cyber monday....how was it for you guys last year? Any good advice or things to know for the week leading up to it and the week that follows?

yankee 11-01-2014 01:57 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
For me it was a bust. Sunday night late before was better. That being said we sell a lot everyday, so a small spike is not noticeable along with we do not target Christmas buyers. We raise the prices and discourage many buyers.

One thing we sometimes do is offer a guaranteed delivery service with extremely high prices the two weeks before Christmas. Mostly to keep buyers away but when they do buy margin is very high. Example is Our price $399.99 plus $20.00 shipping. Many competitors are $379-400 free shipping. We raise the price to $500 with guaranteed delivery.
Keep in mind we don't want more buyers these days. This time of year we can not get enough inventory in our industry and closeouts don't come until after the ATA show early January.

Now on other businesses we run a ton of auctions. We keep visibility very high and we flood the market. We want every sale we can possibly get. But these are our own products. We own and control the market and exact ending price is not overly important. Not typical for most sellers.

solefoodbk 11-01-2014 02:13 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Well I am venturing into selling my own products so that is interesting. I'm just a small time seller right now, so any "small spikes" to you would probably seem high for me. How can you guarantee shipping?? Other forum members have said its recommended to stop selling around 10-12 of December..do you disagree? How do you ship? I ship USPS priority or first class but I am skeptical to guarantee a delivery date around that time.

yankee 11-01-2014 02:34 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
UPS(1,2,3 day air when they actualy guaranty it), FEDEX express and Express Mail and you take a risk the week before. Fedex is most reliable. Express mail for Hawaii and AK is pretty reliable.

Buyer quality is low this time of year, not as low as tax return season, but pretty bad. Amazon is horrible. That raising the price thing does not work on amazon because buyers return after the holiday and buy when the prices are cheap, especially youth or Christmas seasonal items, then again you can charge a 20-50% restocking fee.... So two years ago I personally sold a slew of youth archery kits on amazon. Maybe a hundred grand worth. 68% return!!!! BUT profit was double with the 20% restocking fee and if the package was open 50% restocking fee.

I don't like this business model, but I have a seller who does and easily makes an extra salary in January via returns. Last year an extra 49k on remote thermostats alone.
Not for me, but it makes cents.....for many.

yankee 11-01-2014 02:36 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Also keep in mind your customer service and well, but kissing skills need to be top notch this time of year.

yankee 11-01-2014 02:37 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
One more thing, if you can process credit cards, you can triple sales by adding a telephone number and answering the calls 24 hours a day this time of year. Hire someone if needed. Especial the higher priced items.

solefoodbk 11-01-2014 04:33 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Wait wait wait... adding a telephone number increases this much? I have 3 business plans but only one is going to be effective this year, which is used clothing. Would you honestly think adding a phone number would help this much?

I guess I haven't thought about seriously adding a telephone number, in the long term I plan to.

Just for future reference how do you go about this? Do you add a telephone number in your listing(s) with a set hour time frame like 10-5 eastern time?


solefoodbk 11-01-2014 04:35 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Come to think about it ...I believe in the whole "you build it, it will come" type thing. If there is anything that can separate a Ebay seller from the rest is having a actual number to contact. That'd make me feel like I'm really starting a business(es).

solefoodbk 11-01-2014 04:40 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
When I first started stealth I didn't take it as serious as I should have. This second time around I'm taking a completely different approach (more professional). I try to ship everything same day, uploading tracking..always send a message to cover DSR and it works! I find it amazing that simply shipping can make or break a sale. On top of that I offer 14 day returns (wait I mean 180 day returns ha).

I take it you stay away from USPS around December then?

yankee 11-01-2014 05:39 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

At the top on my listings

Make sure it is a number not assotiated with any other ebay account.

Typicaly the person who calls wants to buy off ebay and pay via a credit card. TXT is super productive too.

My new accounts say

TXT US NOW AT 1-800-buy-off-ebay

yankee 11-01-2014 05:40 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
You can give a 5-10% discount if they order right now over the phone. Helps with the paypal 1099k issued too

solefoodbk 11-01-2014 06:31 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
I realize this may sound silly but ...how do you process the payment without paypal? Do you have your own websites to? Its smart regardless...

I'm only trying to use ebay as the training wheels to set me up for the future. Haha thats all.

yankee 11-01-2014 06:39 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Merchant account.

I suggest to always use ebay and Amazon even if to just farm buyers onto another platform such as your private website.

This is my baby for next year. A handfull of private websites being fed in nitch markets to previous buyers.
I have a few hundred thousand existing/previous ebay buyers, 35k or so Amazon buyers and a few thousand from Facebook, etc... Even if I can get .01% of these very targeted active buyers to move over to private website, that is a sustainable business and should keep ten employees busy year round with extremely good pay.

My goal is to have several of these up and running before tax season and rip roaring and ready to go by the busy season.

I am also creating products to target very specific nitch foreign markets such as Brazil and Australia. I have a decent base there already but with shipping, paypal exchange rates, etc...I can do a lot better on a private platform and collect foreign currency and exchange how and when suited best.

yankee 11-01-2014 06:43 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
As for the phone number deal, MOST people calling dont want to buy on ebay. Many dont even have an ebay account. It is incredibly easy to make a private direct sale on the phone.

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 07:55 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by yankee (Post 604115)
Merchant account.

I suggest to always use ebay and Amazon even if to just farm buyers onto another platform such as your private website.

This is my baby for next year. A handfull of private websites being fed in nitch markets to previous buyers.
I have a few hundred thousand existing/previous ebay buyers, 35k or so Amazon buyers and a few thousand from Facebook, etc... Even if I can get .01% of these very targeted active buyers to move over to private website, that is a sustainable business and should keep ten employees busy year round with extremely good pay.

My goal is to have several of these up and running before tax season and rip roaring and ready to go by the busy season.

I am also creating products to target very specific nitch foreign markets such as Brazil and Australia. I have a decent base there already but with shipping, paypal exchange rates, etc...I can do a lot better on a private platform and collect foreign currency and exchange how and when suited best.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you tracking your buyers? Do you save there email and form a contact list in your email? I respect your opinion thats only reason why I ask.. You've inspired me, thank you! Forward thinking.

Dmshark25 11-02-2014 07:59 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
If u download "Selling Pro" the free version on eBay, it gives you more statistics on sales, and there is a section on the bottom left of the page where your able to create a report

The report can be saved to excel, and it has all your buyers, name, address, phone email, date of purchase, whether they left a positive or Negative, a wealth of info with a couple clicks

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 08:07 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by Dmshark25 (Post 604370)
If u download "Selling Pro" the free version on eBay, it gives you more statistics on sales, and there is a section on the bottom left of the page where your able to create a report

The report can be saved to excel, and it has all your buyers, name, address, phone email, date of purchase, whether they left a positive or Negative, a wealth of info with a couple clicks

Really? I will check into that later tonight, thank you! Do you crossover any of your accounts with these buyers? In other words do you take information from one account to help another? Even typing that makes me think there could be problems with doing that. Haha

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 08:08 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Wait is there anything special I need to know about this "selling pro" in regards to stealth, besides the basics?

yankee 11-02-2014 08:10 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
I save every notification of payment from paypal for the past decade :) I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments. Super easy way to gain repeat buyers, especialy in a nitch and extremely targeted market. Albeit slow process, VA staff is cheap....
Also I make a telephone number required to checkout to capture numbers.

SMS marketing is king these days. 90% read within one hour. Email is 2% in seven days.

yankee 11-02-2014 08:12 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by Dmshark25 (Post 604370)
If u download "Selling Pro" the free version on eBay, it gives you more statistics on sales, and there is a section on the bottom left of the page where your able to create a report

The report can be saved to excel, and it has all your buyers, name, address, phone email, date of purchase, whether they left a positive or Negative, a wealth of info with a couple clicks

Fantastic info!

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 08:16 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by yankee (Post 604376)
I save every notification of payment from paypal for the past decade :) I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments. Super easy way to gain repeat buyers, especialy in a nitch and extremely targeted market. Albeit slow process, VA staff is cheap....
Also I make a telephone number required to checkout to capture numbers.

SMS marketing is king these days. 90% read within one hour. Email is 2% in seven days.

You guys are really dropping some jewels for me! Thank you!!

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 08:24 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
If you have been doing that for 10 years you must be crossing information between accounts right? Technically what were talking about is all outside of ebay so unless I'm missing something there shouldn't be any issues with stealth right? Everything new I do now I need to make sure there isn't something I'm overlooking (usually its always the simple things).

Its not anything I'm looking to do now but in the future I would like to expand away from Ebay as much as possible. Having a nice list of peoples info isn't too bad!

solefoodbk 11-02-2014 08:26 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
"I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments" How do you do this though? Is this in paypal you do it or email?

yankee 11-02-2014 08:31 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
So buyers for archery items go into archery items lists, and then it gets broken down from there, especialy consumables(thats the money to be made)
So someone buys a compound bow package.
They get into the archery list.
Next is the FREE owned branded items that come on that package, so lets say my arrow company, they make that list, etc...

Now I have been playing this past year, not working, so I have been buying toys such as old Jeeps, Cars, UTV, ATV, motorcycles, hundreds of boats, outboards etc... Of course this all became a new business. Well now as I sell these things off, I capture that info as well. So now I have jeep buyers, jeep parts buyers, etc...

Every business/category/etc... is the same way. Lists is where the money is. I can open a new company and have instant buyers. They already have bought from me :)

yankee 11-02-2014 08:33 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by solefoodbk (Post 604388)
"I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments" How do you do this though? Is this in paypal you do it or email?

Direct reply to email. Slow, but have someone else do it.
Capture all info you can and then use it to BENEFIT your buyer while making money...

123 11-02-2014 11:34 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by yankee (Post 604376)
I save every notification of payment from paypal for the past decade :) I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments. Super easy way to gain repeat buyers, especialy in a nitch and extremely targeted market. Albeit slow process, VA staff is cheap....
Also I make a telephone number required to checkout to capture numbers.

SMS marketing is king these days. 90% read within one hour. Email is 2% in seven days.

That's quite ingenious indeed, if I would have started doing this from the first day I started selling on ebay I'd have an army of extremely targeted emails. Definitly going to look into implementing this strategy especially now that I'm creating a product and bringing it to market.

stanislav 11-02-2014 11:48 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by yankee (Post 604376)
I invite into an email list via direct reply to the paypal payments.

SMS marketing is king these days. 90% read within one hour.

Please elaborate farther.

stanislav 11-02-2014 11:50 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
Thank you 123! 24vc.com works like a charm! Expensive but worth every penny.

solefoodbk 11-03-2014 12:47 AM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by stanislav (Post 604428)
Thank you 123! 24vc.com works like a charm! Expensive but worth every penny.

Would you use 24vc.com over phone tethering? I'm getting tired of always logging I.Ps...not that its bad or anything but would be nice to have a dedicated I.P.

stanislav 11-03-2014 01:00 AM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by solefoodbk (Post 604445)
Would you use 24vc.com over phone tethering? I'm getting tired of always logging I.Ps...not that its bad or anything but would be nice to have a dedicated I.P.

I would definitely suggest to get dedicated ip from 24vc.com I used to wait at least 3 minutes for my DSL modem to rest itself in order to get a new ip. Eventually I ended up getting a lot of duplicated ips and had to wait even longer. Having dedicated ip is the best solution when running multiple stealth accounts. If you are serious about business then you must get it.

nodeal 11-03-2014 01:02 AM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by Dmshark25 (Post 604370)
If u download "Selling Pro" the free version on eBay, it gives you more statistics on sales, and there is a section on the bottom left of the page where your able to create a report

The report can be saved to excel, and it has all your buyers, name, address, phone email, date of purchase, whether they left a positive or Negative, a wealth of info with a couple clicks

same with ship station, and it can import sales data like this from ALL your stealth accounts onto one report, or you can see reports for each individual stealth account. It shows data comparing and contrasting accounts, products, customers (shows you customer info, which states your sales are coming from, repeat customers, etc.). Shows sales trends, and a wealth of charts and graphs to look at to track your progress.

The amount of information it gives you is amazing, and best of all you don't need to log onto each individual stealth account to ship out items. Everything is brought together into one easy to use program.

GreenBean 11-03-2014 01:28 AM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
OP, get hitting that THANKS BUTTON a bit better.

Your responses are near spoon feeding.

Appreciate it.


nodeal 11-03-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by stanislav (Post 604448)
I would definitely suggest to get dedicated ip from 24vc.com I used to wait at least 3 minutes for my DSL modem to rest itself in order to get a new ip. Eventually I ended up getting a lot of duplicated ips and had to wait even longer. Having dedicated ip is the best solution when running multiple stealth accounts. If you are serious about business then you must get it.

When using 24vc, is it easy to abandon IPs and get new ones?

I mean, if a stealth account that I have a dedicated IP for gets shut down, is it simple to abandon this IP (stop paying for it) and start using another new IP for a new account?

Is type of transition annoying or a hassle in any way? I am getting sick of duplicate IPs and would love to simply switch from one dedicated IP to another.

YIKES and I just saw that it is $10 a month for each dedicated IP?! Is that right?? With 50+ stealths I am looking at over 500/month for IP… lol.

solefoodbk 11-03-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by GreenBean (Post 604454)
OP, get hitting that THANKS BUTTON a bit better.

Your responses are near spoon feeding.

Appreciate it.


Honestly what is the point of that post?

I find it funny how you click on my post ...take time to read everything that has been said then try to down me for asking for help? Isn't this what the forum is for?? I realize you know your stuff but all I see from you is talk down to new people that try to learn stealth. You have been on this forum for years and I haven't even pushed a year yet.

Everyone has to start somewhere..if the question never gets asked how can you learn?

solefoodbk 11-03-2014 02:11 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by nodeal (Post 604450)
same with ship station, and it can import sales data like this from ALL your stealth accounts onto one report, or you can see reports for each individual stealth account. It shows data comparing and contrasting accounts, products, customers (shows you customer info, which states your sales are coming from, repeat customers, etc.). Shows sales trends, and a wealth of charts and graphs to look at to track your progress.

The amount of information it gives you is amazing, and best of all you don't need to log onto each individual stealth account to ship out items. Everything is brought together into one easy to use program.

So is ship station a separate service? Having all your stealths into one report sounds like your just asking for a link some time down the line.. how long have you been doing this method?


solefoodbk 11-03-2014 02:16 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by stanislav (Post 604448)
I would definitely suggest to get dedicated ip from 24vc.com I used to wait at least 3 minutes for my DSL modem to rest itself in order to get a new ip. Eventually I ended up getting a lot of duplicated ips and had to wait even longer. Having dedicated ip is the best solution when running multiple stealth accounts. If you are serious about business then you must get it.

Everyone says living in the U.S there are a lot of more options when it comes to I.Ps. I only hesitate because it seems like a thread pops up every other month about a website like 24vc.com that gets all your accounts limited due to linkage or bad i.p.

I can't tell you how pleasing it would be to have a dedicated I.p!! Do you have a dedicated I.P for all your stealths via this one site? I just get nervous putting established accounts under new practices as what I've been doing is fine but like anything it can always be improved upon.

How long have you guys been using 24vc.com? Would you say its the best for the states??


nodeal 11-03-2014 02:18 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by solefoodbk (Post 604611)
So is ship station a separate service? Having all your stealths into one report sounds like your just asking for a link some time down the line.. how long have you been doing this method?


it's a service provided through ship station.com.

There are posts regarding it on the forums that explain it a bit more... it doesn't link your accounts. You do, however, need to be logged into each account through a separate user account/IP (like you normally would be when doing stealth) when generating a token and linking your stealth account to ship station. but once it is linked you are good to go.

I talked to a rep from shipstation, they do not seem to care about any implications stealth may have on their end. You can add as many ebay accounts as you want, as long as you pay their monthly fee they seem to be happy. Again, it's amazingly convenient, they even automatically upload feedback for each transaction for you.

I only just started using it last month. Others have been using it longer. If you are like me with many stealth accounts, it's a game changer.

solefoodbk 11-03-2014 02:27 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion

Originally Posted by nodeal (Post 604614)
it's a service provided through ship station.com.

There are posts regarding it on the forums that explain it a bit more... it doesn't link your accounts. You do, however, need to be logged into each account through a separate user account/IP (like you normally would be when doing stealth) when generating a token and linking your stealth account to ship station. but once it is linked you are good to go.

I talked to a rep from shipstation, they do not seem to care about any implications stealth may have on their end. You can add as many ebay accounts as you want, as long as you pay their monthly fee they seem to be happy. Again, it's amazingly convenient, they even automatically upload feedback for each transaction for you.

I only just started using it last month. Others have been using it longer. If you are like me with many stealth accounts, it's a game changer.

Yes. I actually was recently looking into Auctiva but it sounds like this may be a better approach? After you do the token thing on a unique i.p/user and its verified can you log into on a bad i.p like you can on Auctiva?

Thanks so much for your help! Your the first post I've seen on this topic. Time to do more research.

nodeal 11-03-2014 02:32 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
auctiva i have not used... I like ship station because it is centered around shipping logisitics, which is what was consuming a lot of my time once I started running 20+ stealths.

Yes once you use a unique user/IP to generate the token and link you ebay to ship station, you can then log onto ship station from any user/ip and ship out items for that ebay account.

solefoodbk 11-03-2014 02:35 PM

Re: Pre Cyber Monday Discussion
I'm all about forward thinking and getting myself in the best position finically and services like this will help me achieve it (faster). My goal is to make 60k off ebay next year. I realize to people on this forum thats chump change but I'm 22 so 60k a year would allow me to keep investing in myself ...in other words if all goes correctly I'm going to be more successful than anyone I know thats my age and its ALL FROM THIS FORUM!

There is nothing more rewarding to know your successful. Especially when your not following the path that is so commonly taken. This forum has opened up so many opportunites/doors for me that never simply existed. Most of you inspired so many changes to how I operate my business plan I'd be lost without you guys!


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