how to beat linking
I got the easiest way for the noobies to prevent linking. VMWARE PLAYER!!
That's right install a vmware machine, so you are running essentially two pcs on the same computer. Then get another modem for your internet and you can run two different ips at once.
I have the cable company coming over monday to install second modem, ip. So now I can ultimately run two ebay accounts simultaneously with two different ips.
I just put 8gb ram and a faster dual core processor in my old gaming rig. Overclocked it by 30%, added another nic. And Im up and running.
Two computers, two internets, two monitors.
Only downfall is both Internets in my name. SO if eBay takes it upon themselves to subpoena cable for records, it will be proven.
Otherwise Im safe. Also got to remember to not screw up and put items for sale, etc on right accounts. Since they will both be open at once.
This is great, because if you have gmail open, it will ring through if eBay calls. If using voice. Also great, because if your at the pc 8 hours a day like me, then you can answer questions on two accounts in real time.
I already had a gaming rig I built in 2008. All it needed was more ram and a faster processor. So if you got some skillz, DO IT!!
Far cheaper than buying a wireless dongle. It cost me a 100 in upgrade parts and a extra 40 a month internet bill. |