Negative Feedback after full refund- Item wasn't even sent - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay FeedBack General discussions on eBay feedback, seller feedback, positive feedback, negative feedback, DSR rating, increase feedback

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Old 10-22-2009
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Default Negative Feedback after full refund- Item wasn't even sent


So here's the deal some guy on ebay bought something off me via buy it now. I offer free international shipping. So I go to ship the item but my supplier ( im a drop shipper) can't send the item there without it costing a lot more. I don't know why they cant ship to Austria they just cant.

This has happened before and I tell the customer, say I'm sorry and give them a full refund. Then I add the country to my exclusion list. Well this guy wanted the item bad. I sent him an email saying we can't send it and would like to give you a refund right away. He didn't want the refund, I told him there's no other way, please give us your confirmation and we'll process the refund.

So this jerk waits about a week and then starts messaging me again. He wants the item, blah blah blah. Tells me Im bound by ebay policy to send him the item. I try my damndest to reason with him, to make him understand but he just doesn't get it. Now he feels like I wasted his time, even though I told him no less than 2 days after sale that we can't ship to him. I sent him every nice email I could imploring him to accept the refund. This A$$hole just didn't get it so I had to say it real clear for this idiot. We CANNOT ship to you.

He finally got the message but still blamed me for poor customer service even though I responded immediately to each email and sent numerous ones at that. So he left me negative feedback, even though nothing was received, he didn't lose any money, nothing really happened. He got all his money back.

He's a completely unreasonable troll of a human. I could understand neutral but neg for complete refund? I tried to explain to him that its too time consuming to look through every country to see if we can ship to everyone. People usually understand this and move on.

I don't know what to do, it's driving me nuts. I even offered him 10$ for his "wasted time". He wont respond.

I'm thinking about trying to create a new ebay account using his info and sell some stuff that will get the account suspended real quick. My hope is the account will get tied to his existing one. It's my understanding that if someone gets suspended that all their feedback for the last 90 days gets removed. I wont use my IP address, I know some places where I can pick up signals. He prolly wont get banned but I figure he should atleast get a temporary suspension.

Any help would be great!

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Old 10-22-2009
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Sometimes emails are not enough, see if you can get his phone# from the transaction. Give him a call if he does not respond any emails.

Your feedbacks must be perfect, otherwise you won't care much about this neg. Getting negs are absolutely normal. We are all sellers. We all run into some real jerks. Calm down first.

If I were you, when I sense something not going very well or I feel he really wants it, I would ask the supplier to just mail it to me, I'll then ship the item to him. Cost a little more shipping fee and time but is better than getting a neg and lose more customers.

Just my 2 cents.
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