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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 07-30-2009
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Default Ebay suspension through half.com and payment being held!

My ebay account was suspended while I was selling textbooks on half.com. After 90 days, my payment was to be released, but now they are requesting that I fax them a credit card statement, government ID, and a utility bill. I, obviously, do not want to do this. Has anyone had experience with this, or know what I can do to get them to give me my money without revealing such private information?
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Old 08-09-2009
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Originally Posted by rockthecasbah121 View Post
My ebay account was suspended while I was selling textbooks on half.com. After 90 days, my payment was to be released, but now they are requesting that I fax them a credit card statement, government ID, and a utility bill. I, obviously, do not want to do this. Has anyone had experience with this, or know what I can do to get them to give me my money without revealing such private information?
I too had something simular happen a couple times.
I was selling books, etc on half.com. My first account was suspended they said was due to suspicious activity. They held the funds with no information as to what would be done with the payment they owed. I asked them "What about my Payment they owed" and they just emailed stating that they decided to keep it suspended, and that the next email they will read but may not respond unless I gave them different information. What ever that meant. So, my money the owe me is just sitting in there.
I opened another account and sales were real good for about two weeks or so, and when it was time to dispursement the funds they suspended that account as well because they said they needed to verify my contact information. Days later they emailed stating they wanted several things for verification: 1. Bank statement that clearly shows the first and last four digits of my card number, expiration date, and billing address. (This seemed insane to me, as I don't know of any bank that would put your card number information on your statments). They also requested a copy of the front and back of my Driver's License and any other Government issued Id and some other few things.
The information was faxed as they requested, and they were notified. Then they just emailed back with the same request as the first email, as if they never got the fax. So, I will try again.
Though I do not have a statement with my card number, I still sent a bank statement. Does anyone know how to get that information. Or what is up with half.com? thanks.
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Old 08-10-2009
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I just heard back from half today, and they are issuing me a check, which they state takes 4-6 weeks. I sent them a gas bill, DL, bank account statement, all my tracking numbers, and a copy of my debit card with the middle 8 numbers blacked out. Luckily, with all that information, they didn't link any of my other accounts.

Contact cw@half.com, as she actually responded with non-copied half.com messages.
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Old 08-11-2009
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Rock, so how long did the whole process take?
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Old 08-11-2009
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I think I would be asking that my documents, that were deemed insufficient, be returned and any record of those specific documents be purged from their system. I would expect that they should be willing to send an affidavit that they have complied with that request. If not, I'd be pitching holy Hell at them profusely.
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Old 08-12-2009
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I've been told it will take six more weeks for them to cut me a check for my funds, which seems ridiculous.

In the email requesting the documents, it states that all faxes sent to them are destroyed once they verify your info.
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Old 08-12-2009
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Technical legalese.

Does it specifically state that they destroy the documents *if they don't verify*?

So far, I only see that they destroy once they verify ergo no verify/no destroy.
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Old 08-12-2009
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Originally Posted by rockthecasbah121 View Post
I've been told it will take six more weeks for them to cut me a check for my funds, which seems ridiculous.

In the email requesting the documents, it states that all faxes sent to them are destroyed once they verify your info.
Yeah, and I have never been suspended from ebay. They may physically destroy the documents but they keep nasty records in the bowels of ebay. I had a T&S guy admit that to me months ago. There are pre-emptive steps to prevent their keeping your info.
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Old 08-12-2009
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Heh. I was going to mention that next.


documents destroyed once they verify.

Doesn't say they won't make 10,000 copies plus 45 scans in color and monochrome but will ONLY be destroying the original fax.

Which is why I always send the worst resolution I can get away with and I use a black marker to cross out everything except the minimum amount of info they need for an exact purpose.

When they want photo ID with address on it, I cross out the ID number, DOB, expiration, photo, name, etc.

My legalese says photo ID didn't say the photo had to be discernable, so too bad so sad.

Get the idea, folks?
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Old 08-12-2009
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You so understand. At this stage I might point out never trust ebay/paypal when they say that your info is not kept. Every single corporation in the USA keeps records. Full Stop. The claim may be that they are so old they are not able to be retrieved. Never trust that claim

99.1% of people in the USA leave a paper trail.Never forget that. There is a potential for the past to catch you in the present IF you do not safeguard yourself
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Old 11-08-2009
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hey rock. so did you finally get the check. im curious since im most likely in the same situation as yours. my account was suspended 11/4 for MC001 FPA B001.
what's the cw@half.com address?
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Old 11-22-2009
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Default Account suspended Half.com

My account was suspended 1 day before transfrring my funds also. They never even emailed me back as to why. It was only abot 700.00 dollars worth of merchandise. Maybe it was a spike in sales .But Hey isnt this a selling site. What do they want you "not to sell!" These sites do not make sense. It is getting really rediculous to keep trying to sell on these sites i keep destroying good cc and bank accounts. Half is garbage anyway. You have to wait almost 20 days for your money.. no matter how i start my accounts under stealth they still get axed 1-2 days before transfer. Half was so much better before ebay took over...
i have exhauseted all my options on half.com any new suggestions as to not get suspended...
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Old 11-24-2009
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When dealing with half.com u never ever ship merchandise unless you get paid first! Cause if u get suppended the buyers gets frees goodies as well as a full refund includeing S/H.

This is why half keeps payouts only twice a month so they can easily give your money back to buyers if you get banned.
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Old 06-24-2011
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Originally Posted by rmc661 View Post
hey rock. so did you finally get the check. im curious since im most likely in the same situation as yours. my account was suspended 11/4 for MC001 FPA B001.
what's the cw@half.com address?
hi, i know you posted this two years ago, my half.com account was suspended recently and i received the same note from them. I wonder if they ever re-instated your account? if so how long after it was first suspended? if not how you received the money from the sales you made?and after how long?
thanks for you help in advance!
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