cant see the wood for the trees here ??
Sorry folkes if this comes across as unprofessional or short but having read and interacted within this forum for nearly 5 months now, i feel a NEW user cannot fully ''see the wood for the trees'' with the amount of questions relating to suspensions and re-establising and verbal garbage, that is out there already here.
In ADDITION to the fab info you will read on this forums here ALREADY (if you care to take the time to read it all), that was here before i joined, in a drink fueled haze, i have thought of 10 of my most SIMPLE & most relevant THINGS that came into my head here - I would recommend to NOT get suspeneded from eBay/PayPal, In addition to this USE the 'search' function to learn and find - many super useful snippets of info here
1. Clear ALL IE history, ALWAYs, EVERYTIME and without a doubt
2. Clear cookies on your ie browser - each and every time and without a doubt
3. Update to your latest version of IE
4. Install CookieMonster and use it &
5. Install CCcleaner as a back up to CookieMonster and use it as per you use each ebay ID
5. Reset your router / change yor IP address each time you intend to work on eBay/PayPal and log it in a NotePad file to avoid IP conflicts in future (ie dont log into an ebay account that you have accessed under another ebay seller IP)
6. Dont LIST items under the same image urls
7. Dont list same IDENTICAL item descriptions in titles or ads
8. Change all the set up and lay out of your ad, P&P costs, T&Cs
9. Disable ALL html in emails (use google mail)
10. Answer all Q.'s about your item via email & not eBay
ps sorry if this is short and small but focus on the 10 above and you WONT GET suspended again+ i am now running x9 IDs after being suspended over 3 months ago
i am living proof of this having lost 10,000+ feedback and multiple IDs about 12 weeks ago, that life can and will go on