How I Got Back On Ebay!!
Heres how I got back on ebay undetected guys:
1. Use Window Washer 2008 to completly erase the old suspended accounts and erase the old turbo lister files as well
2. get plastic simon giftcards to register new accounts
3. Use aol email address to register with ebay, they are free!!!!
4. get a new workable phone number that aint tied to your old account.
I use prepaid cell phones from wal-mart
5. use a a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and address, dont ever used the old name again!!
6. change your ip address!! get a ip blocker if u can
7. change your location on your new sellers account, dont use the same city
8. first 3 weeks, sell slow. then after 21 days use turbo lister and list in massess!! atleast 1,000 items or more
9. dont pay ebay there fees!! get back up accounts ready to roll as soon as they shut u down!!