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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 01-07-2011
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Unhappy MC169 advice for what i know is comming

My problem is i purchased a bunch of perfume from a shop going under. it was a craigslist cash purchase 4 months ago. I have no invoice and even if i did the phone number would be invalid and the address would not be for a perfume shop anymore. Ebay and paypal suspended / limited my accounts. i explained what was up to PP and they hit me with the 180day notice and said they were closing my account for security reasons. I have yet to send my licence\B.S. to ebay but i know once i do they will probably also ask the same thing. What do i tell them? This stuff was bought 4 months ago and i have no way to contact the person who sold it to me?
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Old 01-07-2011
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Originally Posted by notinthemafia View Post
My problem is i purchased a bunch of perfume from a shop going under. it was a craigslist cash purchase 4 months ago. I have no invoice and even if i did the phone number would be invalid and the address would not be for a perfume shop anymore. Ebay and paypal suspended / limited my accounts. i explained what was up to PP and they hit me with the 180day notice and said they were closing my account for security reasons. I have yet to send my licence\B.S. to ebay but i know once i do they will probably also ask the same thing. What do i tell them? This stuff was bought 4 months ago and i have no way to contact the person who sold it to me?
I am no expert but since no one has responded to you yet, i thought i would answer you. If you got the 180 day thing, as I did, you are done with that account and you will need to start again. I was crushed by them and it took awhile to move on but move on you must. Buy Aspins eBay Stealth and ask people here if you have problems or questions. The easiest way is to follow his instructions. I am no computer whiz so it has taken awhile to begin understanding it all, but it starts to sink in and you will be able to figure it all out. But don't waste a lot of time mourning your old account, miracles do happen but not with the ebay/paypal nazis. They are the GODS amongst us mere mortals and thou shalt bow down to their dictates. Unless, of course , you srcew them right back.
Good luck and do yourself a favor a download the book. It will help you start smiling again.
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Old 01-08-2011
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No point in adding a license or anything if they closed your account then its done for, get the Stealth Book and just move on and make more accounts.
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