HI: I think AVS, means acct verification system, but Modee knows for sure..
-- If they are Vero items, the customer base will automatically think that they are ⊗⊗⊗⊗, as you have more than 1... SO- you need multiple accts, to Rotate the items, on...
--as for ebay-- they do not like "category Domination", they consider that Abusing..
--as for ebay/pp--well, theyre linked no matter what--like MOdee says..
** Follow the guide--this time, create yourself 2-3 accts---try 1-2 items per acct,, list 1-wait 24 hrs, list another..
**I use this formula--list 1/2 to your fb,, in other words, if your fb is 5, u can safely list 2.5 items, when your fb is 30, u can safely list 15 items, NON THreatening items, by the way... Good Luck
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