Good question..
I use a UPS Box, which doesn't have all the shortcomings of a PO Box. Fedex and UPS, for example, will not deliver to a PO Box.
Also, you can sort of disguise it is a box, because you don't say PO Box in the address. You say just box, or PMB, or Number.
As far as having people send you checks, that is a bit of a problem. EBAY lists your address as the address to mail payments to etc. even on the invoice.
I do not know how EBAYers deal with this when they have multiple accounts. Some people here just say, "buy a new computer", when you have to clean up your cookies, like that is a solution for every time you want a new EBAY account. Yup, spend $500 every time you want a new EBAY account, and if you screw up, just do it again. Resell your PC on EBAY. Right.
Or others say to get multiple boxes. A box here costs over a hundred bucks a year. You going to go pay 1K for 7-8 of them? I don't think so.
Perhaps you could work something out with the UPS place to have box numbers that don't exist there routed to your box for a discount. Not sure, but I know I might find it sketchy if you told me to mail my check to some PO Box not registered with EBAY.