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Old 06-17-2007
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Default Secure way to pay for a buy it now auction

I have a question to ask that if I try to buy or bid an item on eBay and I won when It come to the step that I have to pay for the item, should I use the link from eBay to make a payment or should I wait for the invoice from the seller. Or both of this method will not work if eBay tries to track me down with the false address and infomartion that I used to register on eBay. Any help please. I want to build my feeback.
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Old 06-17-2007
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I quess the safest way would be to wait for the paypal invoice, if they send one out then you can pay for your item and avoid ebay all together. You can ask them to send you a paypal invoice, or better yet just go into your paypal account and send the money yourself. You have the option to enter the ebay auction information so they will know you are paying for the item won.
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Old 06-17-2007
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What about the ones that say "immediate payment required"? I guess you have no choice but to go through eBay for those?
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Old 06-17-2007
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Yeah, I quess so. I've never really tried it. That could possibly link your accounts, but many people use friends account to pay for items. If ebay banned every account that did that they would be in bad shape. I suggest you could make a buyer account and try it out. Those usually don't require a credit card, just a new email. If anyone trys this let me know how it turns out.
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Old 06-17-2007
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I have 3 Paypal accounts. One I use for business and the other two I use for personal use. My personal accounts I use mainly to pay for odd items I don't want on my business account. They're not verified or confirmed. They only have a credit card and my name on the account.

I haven't bought from eBay in a long time, I mostly do selling, but using a personal account would seem to work fine. Pay for your item, and send a note of the correct address and that's it. I don't even try to hide between my accounts with cookies or IP address. Paypal doesn't seem to care.
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