ebay suspend my account and paypal want $700 from me. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 10-05-2008
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Default ebay suspend my account and paypal want $700 from me.

ebay cancel my account last week I was selling fine and authetic items
all of the sudden they cancel my auctions and suspend my account now I have to paid them $250 in fees that I still owed but they where smart thye cancel my account after I paif $300 of fees and now all the buyers are opening claims of item no receipt and my paypal account is minus $450 for those claims I start shipping items but need money... This weekend I 'd tried to open 6 accounts an all where suspended I need to sell desperetely to paid those fees or the collections will be looking for me this is hell for me
I have $100 in my checking account maybe not enough to pay the shipping of those item I have to send I don't know what to do...since I get deployed no much money only from the &&&&bay sales

Last edited by Iwannasell4ever; 10-05-2008 at 10:23 PM.
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Old 10-06-2008
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I would never pay the eBay fees on a suspended account. Consider it severance pay. They will call you but if you say you don't know that person or what they are talking about and they will leave you alone. I've left accounts owing $600 + in fees and never even got a letter.
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Old 10-06-2008
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I get suspended last year and paypal send me to collection for $50
the $$$tupid collection people don't stop sending letters and calls
but is not showing on my credit report??
that's why I haven't paid them but
someone has been tracked for non payment of fees???
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Old 10-11-2008
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I would try to talk to the ebay buyers and tell them that you will still ship their item if they can resend the money and that you have or will refund their payment that was paid through paypal and just go back to paypal and refund the customers money. I would not ship out any products because paypal is going to keep the money any way but I would try to go back and refund the customers money if you can through paypal. The money paypal is holding ($450) they may reverse back to the customer if you tell them to refund the customer.
When Ebay suspends 1 get another 1 :D & keep it movin
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