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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 10-21-2008
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Default Suspended indefinitely for SNP

Ok, found out yesterday that I could not list anymore.
Trevin from the US Safety & Trust told me to write back in 30 days to release further limitations to my account. Not that I was on a trial-period of trying to prove to eBay I can superman my items from one place to another and get great scores.

I have ~80 feedbacks not left for my items. People don't seem to be bothered, so if my reply to eBay does not work I will have to bug my buyers to leave positive feedback and 5-star to get reinstated as a last attempt.

So feeBay decides to suspend me for seller's non performance. Here's the dilemma; they put a restriction on you, so you can't sell as much (selling limitation). This means that the less you sell, the less feedback you will get. What they aim for you to do is to increase DSR. How is this possible when you cannot sell as much to increase the DSR which is evened out for all feedbacks given? It's a mission impossible IV on its own!!!

So this Trust & Safety person from eBay UK sends me a message saying I am indefinitely suspended. I am currently a powerseller, so I have access to their phone line. I'll keep you guys up to date.


Thank you for writing back to us regarding the suspension of your eBay

I've reviewed your account and can confirm that it has been suspended
from buying and selling on eBay. The reason for this is that your
account breached eBay's Seller Non-Performance policy by causing an
unacceptable level of dissatisfaction amongst your buyers.

Our top priority is to ensure that eBay remains a safe and reputable
place to buy and sell. We don't permit members who repeatedly fail to
fulfil their obligations as a seller to continue trading on eBay. As
there was not a substantial improvement in your account standing during
the 30 day period that we allowed you limited access, we can't permit
further use of this account.

For more information about our Seller Non-Performance policies, please
copy this link into a new browser window:

Seller Non-Performance Policy

Thank you for taking the time to clarify this matter with us, I hope
that this information makes our position clear for you.

Kind regards,

eBay Trust & Safety"

PS. If I ever in my life meet anyone from T&S from eBay they'll get an unprovoked punch in the face. I have never met anyone so rude and so unhelpful in the 20-something years I have been on this planet.

As you can see this isn't a 30 day suspension. It's a **** off and leave from eBay.

Considering the eBay Stealth Book, but that only applies for US-sellers, right???

Oh and forgot to write. eBay OWES ME ~400 USD! How do I get that back?? I know how they would get 400 USD from me if I owed them, by sending a few letters signed by their expensive lawyers, but how do I get my money back?!

Last edited by GreenBean; 10-22-2008 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 10-22-2008
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it seems like they think they know what is best for the buyers, buy they dont give damn about the sellers who pay the ebay fees every month and keep them in business. Was the money they owed you paid by credit card?

Last edited by GreenBean; 10-22-2008 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 10-22-2008
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Let's put it this way; they're nuts!
The money I got back was for all the listings I had that they cancelled and the final value fees repaid to me. However, I am going to call them up now and see what they say.

I'll keep you guys in the loop

Last edited by GreenBean; 10-22-2008 at 05:04 AM.
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