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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 08-01-2007
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Question Bid Pay, do they share info with ebay?

Hey buys

my newly created ebay account ( 1 month ) just got suspended again. I am not sure how they track me ( after I use the gift card to pay for seller's fee then I got suspended. but the gift card has no info about me? or the mailing address I have them to ship it to which is my home address that was linked to the previous suspended account, could that be the cause? or the mailing address you have them mail the card to you is not recorded with the gift card info? )

so I just set up an Bid Pay account everything looks great, and they said now bid pay is compatable with ebay checking out system so after they verify my newly created account just now ( 10 minutes ) with new names, address and everything. so I copy and paste the HTML code that bid pay check out link ( which they said is ebay approved ) all of the sudden like 30 minutes later, my account is suspended. but not because it's linked to the previous suspended account but something " inconsistency of registration and abuse of ebay policy" what does that mean?

so I called up bid pay, they said they don't share info with ebay and the HTML code is ok to use on ebay listing but why does ebay is acting out like " abusing ebay policy" and suspended my account? ebay is such a looser!!

anyone can shine some light on this subject will be greatly appreciated !

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Old 08-01-2007
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Originally Posted by altu View Post
Hey buys

my newly created ebay account ( 1 month ) just got suspended again. I am not sure how they track me ( after I use the gift card to pay for seller's fee then I got suspended. but the gift card has no info about me? or the mailing address I have them to ship it to which is my home address that was linked to the previous suspended account, could that be the cause? or the mailing address you have them mail the card to you is not recorded with the gift card info? )

so I just set up an Bid Pay account everything looks great, and they said now bid pay is compatable with ebay checking out system so after they verify my newly created account just now ( 10 minutes ) with new names, address and everything. so I copy and paste the HTML code that bid pay check out link ( which they said is ebay approved ) all of the sudden like 30 minutes later, my account is suspended. but not because it's linked to the previous suspended account but something " inconsistency of registration and abuse of ebay policy" what does that mean?

so I called up bid pay, they said they don't share info with ebay and the HTML code is ok to use on ebay listing but why does ebay is acting out like " abusing ebay policy" and suspended my account? ebay is such a looser!!

anyone can shine some light on this subject will be greatly appreciated !


i dont use bidpay anymore because they have to approve most sells. and also you have to have atleast a 99% feedback and 10 feedback rating for them to approve sells.

But everytime I mentioned or put bidpay html in my auction i always get suspended! i think Ebay doesnt like bidpay or they are sharing information!
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Old 08-01-2007
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Hi chris, so which service do you use that you think it's safe to use on ebay? and how? because bid pay said now if you wait for 1 day their "bid pay" icon will show up in ebay system in the drop down menu or options for customers to choose. if I use other way to receive payment, how and what should I do to direct my customers to go there and pay and not get in trouble with ebay again?

thanks chris

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Old 08-01-2007
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Well what is your feedback rating on ebay? because if it is below 10 don't even use them. Also if 1 account get suspended then you will have tocreate a whole new bidpay account with different info. Bidpay works just like Paypal except for the frozen accounts.

But I have my own merchant account. i dont use no payment processors on ebay. i gave up on Paypal and Bidpay
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