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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 08-04-2007
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Default Question Regarding new account signup after suspension

Ok, no matter how much I read I do not understand this part. I know the registration address when you sign up for the new account after suspension must be a false name and address info but there are 3 address spots in your paypal account:

Registration address:
Your main contact address

Payment address:
Your address where you receive payments

Primary shipping address:
Your main shipping address for purchases

Obviously the Registration address has to be ⊗⊗⊗⊗, but how can you run a proper buying and selling account without the payment address and the primary shipping address being your actual real address? How am I supposed to have anything shipped to me or have customers know the correct address if these are all bogus? Can the 2nd two addresses be your correct info just not the Registration address?

Please help!
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Old 08-04-2007
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All of your questions have been answered in previous posts. Search around some.
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Old 08-04-2007
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Originally Posted by KeithL07 View Post
Ok, no matter how much I read I do not understand this part. I know the registration address when you sign up for the new account after suspension must be a false name and address info but there are 3 address spots in your paypal account:

Registration address:
Your main contact address

Payment address:
Your address where you receive payments

Primary shipping address:
Your main shipping address for purchases

Obviously the Registration address has to be ⊗⊗⊗⊗, but how can you run a proper buying and selling account without the payment address and the primary shipping address being your actual real address? How am I supposed to have anything shipped to me or have customers know the correct address if these are all bogus? Can the 2nd two addresses be your correct info just not the Registration address?

Please help!

Hi Keith,

All three addresses need to be ⊗⊗⊗⊗ if you are setting up a new account. You would only need to do this however if your old Paypal was put on restriction. If your Paypal if fine, just delete any old email addresses and put in a new one. Use the new email address to accept payments in your auctions. As long you never link the accounts you should be OK.

But, if your old Paypal account is currently limited or suspended, then your info has already been flagged on Paypal's side.

I would look into Green Dot pre-paid Mastercads. From what I understand they come with a checking account and routing number for direct deposits. You will still need a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ physical address.

I would not worry so much that you cannot buy things on Ebay, unless buying and selling was how you made a living. If you do buy something just email the buyer and say you just moved last weekend.

Not sure if Paypal now requires a ss# or not when signing up. That may be the only stopping point. Paypal never had mine. I upgraded my Paypal account to Business over a year ago and never finished the part that asks for your ss# and website address. Mostly because I didn't use a website. Somehow I was still upgraded to a business account and 60 days later I had a debit card.

Unfortunately, I must share, my first and only Paypal account was limited yesterday. This came 5 days after my Ebay suspension. It was also "indefinite" with no chance of reinstatement. $65 somehow magically show up in there though and they let me transfer my balance to my checking. That was all they would let me do. My debit card was even canceled. Basically they kicked me out on my ass and asked my never to come back.

I've realized that for my needs I need Paypal.

I need a merchant that people trust, most of my customers are newbies
I need immediate payment required.
I need to be listed on all of Ebay's websites internationally. I think I have to "ship worldwide" to get that and I have to link my accounts to get that.

I am going to try Green Dot today or tomorrow and start a brand new Paypal and Ebay account. I'll let you know how it goes.

Does anyone else know of other pre-paid credit cards that come with a checking account and routing number?
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Old 08-04-2007
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Originally Posted by anotherguy View Post
All of your questions have been answered in previous posts. Search around some.
I have searched and not found a reply. Why dont you be helpful instead of posting the same quote above in every thread. Everyone else hasnt seemed to mind new questions and they have been extremely helpful. I am definately going to donate to the admins on here for all their help.
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Old 08-04-2007
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Originally Posted by coopster72 View Post
Hi Keith,

All three addresses need to be ⊗⊗⊗⊗ if you are setting up a new account. You would only need to do this however if your old Paypal was put on restriction. If your Paypal if fine, just delete any old email addresses and put in a new one. Use the new email address to accept payments in your auctions. As long you never link the accounts you should be OK.

But, if your old Paypal account is currently limited or suspended, then your info has already been flagged on Paypal's side.

I would look into Green Dot pre-paid Mastercads. From what I understand they come with a checking account and routing number for direct deposits. You will still need a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ physical address.

I would not worry so much that you cannot buy things on Ebay, unless buying and selling was how you made a living. If you do buy something just email the buyer and say you just moved last weekend.

Not sure if Paypal now requires a ss# or not when signing up. That may be the only stopping point. Paypal never had mine. I upgraded my Paypal account to Business over a year ago and never finished the part that asks for your ss# and website address. Mostly because I didn't use a website. Somehow I was still upgraded to a business account and 60 days later I had a debit card.

Unfortunately, I must share, my first and only Paypal account was limited yesterday. This came 5 days after my Ebay suspension. It was also "indefinite" with no chance of reinstatement. $65 somehow magically show up in there though and they let me transfer my balance to my checking. That was all they would let me do. My debit card was even canceled. Basically they kicked me out on my ass and asked my never to come back.

I've realized that for my needs I need Paypal.

I need a merchant that people trust, most of my customers are newbies
I need immediate payment required.
I need to be listed on all of Ebay's websites internationally. I think I have to "ship worldwide" to get that and I have to link my accounts to get that.

I am going to try Green Dot today or tomorrow and start a brand new Paypal and Ebay account. I'll let you know how it goes.

Does anyone else know of other pre-paid credit cards that come with a checking account and routing number?
Thanks for your info. No i dont use ebay to buy and sell the same goods, I only buy things for personal use. Everything I sell is seperate from what I buy. My paypal is a premier account and in good standing. I do not think it is linked to my ebay bc periodically I will get the person who pays with a money order and when I try to have paypal automatically prefill the buyers info it says it cant bc my accounts are not linked. But I can easily click "return to ebay" in paypal and be sent straight back to my account, so I am nervous about why that is doing that...
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Old 08-04-2007
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NO!!! Do not usegreen Dot Card. they will steal your money. If you have a Green dot card registered on ebay or paypal and they try to withdraw money from that card and it gets declined greendot will freeze your card and steal money! the only way the will release is with a letter from ebay or payla stating they will nt touch the account again which Ebay or paypal wont do!

i'm still fighting with green dot now. thy stole $300 from me when I try to reload funds. they told me the money is theres and until i get letter from paypal

Also go to ripoffreports and do search on them and see all the complaints
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Old 08-04-2007
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Originally Posted by Chris Hanson View Post
NO!!! Do not usegreen Dot Card. they will steal your money. If you have a Green dot card registered on ebay or paypal and they try to withdraw money from that card and it gets declined greendot will freeze your card and steal money! the only way the will release is with a letter from ebay or payla stating they will nt touch the account again which Ebay or paypal wont do!

i'm still fighting with green dot now. thy stole $300 from me when I try to reload funds. they told me the money is theres and until i get letter from paypal

Also go to ripoffreports and do search on them and see all the complaints
Thanks Chris, did Green Dot actually work for signing up for Paypal with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ information? Is having the card decline something that I could prevent? Was this an accident on your part for letting the balance get to 0, or did it just decline for no reason? I definetly do not want to get my money stolen.

I noticed the merchant account that Auctiva lets you use has a $150 setup fee. Do you use them or is there a way to use Auctiva with a different merchant account. Thanks

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Old 08-05-2007
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The merchant account I use has no set up fee.

And yes greendot works with paypal but once greendot see you used it for paypal they will block you account until paypal sends them a letter(which they wont do)
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