[Confused. Please Help. Need Verification] Which IP address needs to change for eBay?
Which IP address needs to change for eBay Stealth account creation?
I'm seeing 3 different addresses as pictured below.
(You can see, the IPv6 is the same on both IPBurger and WIMIA.com)
I'm studying the IP addresses across 3 different devices of mine, and the IPv6 changes every time I reset my devices (not router/modem).
While the MAC, IPv4, and other IP address stays the same. The MAC and the other IP address stay the same respective to their devices.
Now, what I find peculiar is, the IPv4 is the same across all 3 of my devices. They all have the *exact* same IPv4 address ending in XX.XXX.XX.235.
So which IP is it??? ��*♂️
Please help me understand! Want to make sure I do this right the first time.
Thank You!
PS. On that note, the guide shows IP Burger is showing IPv4, yet while I go to IP Burger live, I get IPv6. Even further confused which one I should be looking at.
PPS. If the IP address we want to be looking at is the one given by IP Burger, IPv6, then LITERALLY all I have to do is restart my devices, and MAGICALLY, I have a new IP Address everytime!!
It can't really be that easy...
Last edited by Ghost0; 02-24-2020 at 02:38 AM.