Tokens (Auctiva, Inkfrog, SixBit etc) - do they really solve IP tracking? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Tracking General discussions on eBay tracking, account linking, IP address, user accounts and more.

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Old 02-24-2021
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Default Tokens (Auctiva, Inkfrog, SixBit etc) - do they really solve IP tracking?

Tokens used for ebay account management/communication using 3rd party tools - do they really solve IP tracking? Or is it just an illusion?

Was researching the tokens in general and what information do they store/share in the communication process, talked to Auctiva and other eBay listing program customer support, and i came to a conclusion, that All of these 3rd party tools are working exactly the same way. Tokens are needed only for the identification/authorisation, and the rest information is flowing live from our devices (phones, computers, laptops, tablets, etc).

I asked a simple question:
"What information does ebay see when i list the item using the program?"

The answer was: "The data that is needed for the request in question. Like for creating listing, the listing’s data. Each request will need its own data. eBay’s API documentation specified what data each request needs, these are all publicly available documentation."

So in general, ebay creates the rules, and if at any time they will add the requirement to share the IP address or any other info from our devices it will be shared, as the same rule goes for all 3rd party programs for accomplishing some certain task. For example if ebay will add the IP requirement when inserting a new listings into ebay, all IP address would be exposed to ebay.

in 1 word if i understood correctly, tokens are only for authorisation and identification, and all the rest info is going live from our devices. And this process is the same no matter if you use Auctiva, Inkfrog, SixBit, or any other 3rd party tool.

Any thougths on that?
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Old 05-16-2021
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Default Re: Tokens (Auctiva, Inkfrog, SixBit etc) - do they really solve IP tracking?

I think using a 3rd-party tool is a risky thing to do for a long-term use.
But actually, I use them just in 2 cases:

1- In accounts where I sell physical item and before I link that software to my account, I talk to eBay to do it for me.
2- In stealth accounts where I log in only twice: when I make the account ready, and when I get back to list my high risk items.

Often, I just make everything by my hand.
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