Question on confirming bank account
Hello everyone and once again thanks for all your replies.
I have another question.
I opened an ebay and paypal account with my sons name.
Here is what i did so far,
1.Sent my laptop out to be completely cleaned
2.Got net zero dial up.
3.Got ccleaner and cookie monster2 (which i clean after every use)
4.opened up ebay account under my sons name
(i used my sisters address and phone number)
5.opened up paypal account with my sons name and sisters address and phone#
6. opened a bank account in my name and my address.
Now i just added my bank account to my sons paypal and it asked if i wanted to enter my bank username and password for instant verification...Is this okay?? or should i wait the 3 days to put it in myself??? also if i do the instant verification will my name come up??
Thanks to anyone that can help..