I was planning on using my evo4g tethered with one of my pc's to access my accounts. When I look up the IP addresses they show a location that is about 500 miles from my home area. Is this a cause for concern? I can always go the dial up route but I would prefer not to..
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No you will be fine. I use a Verizion USB Modem for my accounts and the IP addresses always come up in Kansas or Tennessee and I live in Idaho so you are good to go. I haven't had any problems at all with accounts being linked. Just keep track of your IP addresses so you don't log into one account that you have already used the same IP address on a different account.
be careful with the EVO on 4g, it may be very hard to change the ip, and make sure you keep a log. Sprint is known to cycle through about 10-20 ip's on certain devices
be careful with the EVO on 4g, it may be very hard to change the ip, and make sure you keep a log. Sprint is known to cycle through about 10-20 ip's on certain devices
Thanks for the heads up.. I'll keep an eye out. I've cycled about 20 addresses so far and they have been all unique. I will definitely do some more testing before I commit to this.