wondering about the 4g mobile broadband. is it worth it. could I run an amazon account on it. does running an amazon account use up data. since i am not actually uploading photos and stuff. this is new to me so I wanted some more info. If i wanted to get a plan just to access the net when I am out should I just get the cheapest plan just to check emails and stuff and check online prices? Does that eat up data?? thanks in advance...
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
4g is great works fast , just apply all the correct tactics and you are good , as long as you have an Internet device and Internet device you will make money
wondering about the 4g mobile broadband. is it worth it. could I run an amazon account on it. does running an amazon account use up data. since i am not actually uploading photos and stuff. this is new to me so I wanted some more info. If i wanted to get a plan just to access the net when I am out should I just get the cheapest plan just to check emails and stuff and check online prices? Does that eat up data?? thanks in advance...
Wont eat up too much data - checking e-mails and info - dont livestream and download.
You would have to experiment - standard ghost principles apply. Nothing really out of the unusual.