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Old 07-17-2013
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Default Did I get all correct? STEP-BY-STEP

I have read the eBay Stealth Book, and want to make sure if I got all right.
A quick step-by-step as I understand it, and I hope will help others as well.

1. I have created an eBay account, and a PayPal account under my friends name, using his real name and address.

2. When I log in to these accounts from my computer, I use a different "User account" with a new IP so it will be considered as a real new account.

3. I have opened a new bank account in my country (Israel), and got a new credit card number- ALL under my real name (not my friends name), The same name I use on my other accounts.

4. I have linked my friends Paypal account to my credit card and bank account, assuming PayPal can't verify the name on these accounts.

5. When I want to withdraw the profit back to my bank account, I simply withdraw the money, as PayPal only wants a new route to transfer the money to.

Is it all that simple and correct? I thought that when I put a credit card number on PayPal, it needs to be under the account holders name. If that's the case, the bank should be under the account holders name as well. So if I do all that, I am just using my friends data from A-Z including his credit card and bank accounts (which I don't want to do...)

So can steps 1-5 be done with no problem?

Will appreciate any reply

Last edited by eran88; 07-17-2013 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 07-18-2013
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1. Don't use friends real details. This is not stealth and can lead to issues.

2. That is good. Keep track of IP's if using multiple accounts.

3. Correct. Is the credit card number real plastic or virtual? Cannot use real plastic cards

4. Cannot link a PP to a plastic CC if names do not match. Does not work.

5. What country is your EB registered to?

CC need to be either Virtual, or the same name. Bank account do not so long as the bank allow mismatching name deposits, and they never need to use the direct debit.

DO NOT USE FRIENDS CARD OR BANK. Cannot be said enough. Should not be using his real details at all. It does not say to do this. That is NOT stealth and will lead to issues. (sorry for the caps, but its to underline the importance)

Need to really rethink your plan
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Old 07-18-2013
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Originally Posted by JamesNorth101 View Post
1. Don't use friends real details. This is not stealth and can lead to issues.

2. That is good. Keep track of IP's if using multiple accounts.

3. Correct. Is the credit card number real plastic or virtual? Cannot use real plastic cards

4. Cannot link a PP to a plastic CC if names do not match. Does not work.

5. What country is your EB registered to?

CC need to be either Virtual, or the same name. Bank account do not so long as the bank allow mismatching name deposits, and they never need to use the direct debit.

DO NOT USE FRIENDS CARD OR BANK. Cannot be said enough. Should not be using his real details at all. It does not say to do this. That is NOT stealth and will lead to issues. (sorry for the caps, but its to underline the importance)

Need to really rethink your plan

Thanks for replying!

1. So if not using a friends real details, then at least his address right? (but if need to prove identity to eBay, how will the papers with address match the different name?)

3. I was talking about a plastic card. So that's not good. I guess I can issue an VCC from the US even if I live in other country, the question is: Does the bank account needs to be on the same name of the VCC as well?

4. So can link to a VCC with any name, and to a bank with any name?

5. Registration address is in Israel (but it's registered on ebay.com)

On the VCC, do I register my real name? if not, I think it's illegal.
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Old 07-18-2013
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Just realized something...

If I do it under my friends name, then even then it's better to use his "nicknames" that can pass an approval? Is that the right combination?
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Old 07-18-2013
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The steps you follow seem to be good (new phone number needed too) BUT and I stress this! BUT I would not recommend you use your friend's info...too many potential problems.
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