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Old 03-16-2009
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Default Pyramids

How our world works:

It seems that we operate within a box of mundane, ordinary, expected, and normal. We tend to dismiss anything outside the box. For an average person there is no reason for such behavior, they probably see something ridiculous and yell, like children, ahh, look at that!!! Well, gentlemen, such behavior is called ignorance, look it up in the dictionary.

Pyramids of Giza, they align perfectly with Draco in the skies if we roll time back 10,500 years.

Sphinx has water erosion which can only be explained if it was build prior to 10,000 BC.

Pyramid complex in the area of India (remember reading it, but forgot the name) has this same phenomenon, it aligns perfectly with Draco in the skies if we roll time back 10,500 years.

Japanese Yanaguni ancient underwater ruins have this same phenomenon.

It is as if, people from our past, are trying to point to the skies. What are they saying to us?

In South America, there are structures made by possibly man, that can only be seen from the skies. Also, in south America there are caves, in which people lived in for prolonged amounts of time, some scientists believe those man made caves were for hiding from threats from the air.

This is Hindu art work.

We are not talking about alien encounters here, not just that. In this picture what we see we must consider as being from another dimension, rather than a typical idea of ET encounter. Hinduism is filled with images like this. Also Judaism, Islam, and Paganism.

The concept of hollow earth, or hollow earth theory, is rather ridiculous and out there at first glance, yet, it is a possibility if we think of that as a different dimension.

The story of Atlantis. Atlantis did not exist!!! If you do your research, you will understand that the story of Atlantis has a merit to it. Think of Atlantis as a place in a different dimension.

This brings us to our genesis. You see, our human behaviors do not fit well into behaviors of other species on this planet. NOT even monkeys. And what makes me go towards genesis and creation instead of evolution? Simply all the evidence, everything combined together, which paints a picture and pushes me towards one way rather than the other way. Take big bang for example, what's before it? Who created big bang? Who created that event before big bang?

Seriously, do you buy the idea that out of nothing the whole universe sprung up? (and if you do, do some research, instead of blindly believing what you told - blindly believing what you are told is called what?)

The story of genesis is the story of our downfall, according to Edgar Cayce. Our downfall from heaven and onto the earth. If we think this dimension, that makes no sense what so ever. However, if we think different dimension, now we can understand that for some reason we were pushed out of the heaven dimension and into this physical reality dimension.

Ever watched the movie Matrix? It is that kind of stuff we are dealing with.

Our known planes in this reality (in this dimension).
Spirit Plane
Mental Plane
Astral Plane
Etheric Plane
Physical Plane
Let's not confuse planes with dimensions. Let's also not confuse these with science fiction, in former soviet union astral plane is well known, in fact, Russian non contact fighting style is based on this.

Normally, our brain, or 10% of our brain that we use, is tuned into Physical Plane. While we dream we may enter Etheric Plane. Most people are not aware of Astral, Mental, and Spirit planes. However, secret societies, Masons, Skull & Bones, etc, are well aware of those and use them. For example in Astral plane we could experience very real like physical reality, where we could run different simulations of our actions. Ever wanted to know what would happen if you would have kissed your 9th grade teacher? Google up astral plane dream.

Elites are keeping this knowledge away from us. In fact, they have us brain washed so well that most of us would ridicule these concepts and dismiss them as philosophical nonsense.

Now back to dimensions. We live in 3rd world, physical reality. As much real as it feels, this physical reality is not real, it's all ⊗⊗⊗⊗. All of this is ⊗⊗⊗⊗!!

Let's go into the story of Jesus. He walked on water. How can man walk on water? He performed miracles, healed the sick, transformed things into other things, and after he was crucified he came back from the dead. How all of this possible?

Let's go back to the movie Matrix. Think in terms of that movie. This reality that we live in is all ⊗⊗⊗⊗. There is no such thing as death. After we die our soul travels into another body. We are locked into this reality. Egyptians had something called the key of life.

Key of life represents how our soul travels after death.

Our ultimate purpose in this life is to find our way out, to get out of this need for reincarnation. Which means, in terms of a different dimension, that we exit this dimension and return to where we come from.

Think, of our existence on earth. For our entire lives we are being held captive by our masters. We study their garbage, we work for them, we do what they want us to do. You can think of this fact as THEM trying to keep us all enslaved here on this earth, in this reality, in this dimension. Think in terms of Matrix the movie. Who really has time to study all this material about ascention and awakening?

You have two choices now:

A) Ridicule what I wrote above, and dismiss all of this is as non sense.

B) Get interested and ask me to share more with you.

The choice is yours, really, one way or through another you will eventually come across this information, again, again, and again. Sure, you can type some nasty reply to this, and go sit on your sofa and watch some TV, then perhaps take a dump, a shower, and go to sleep, then wake up tomorrow and repeat. I offer you something important and informational.

Let me know if you wish to hear more.. I will watch this threat closely, and if interest is there, I will continue.
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Old 03-16-2009
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Originally Posted by bobrob View Post

You have two choices now:

A) Ridicule what I wrote above, and dismiss all of this is as non sense.

B) Get interested and ask me to share more with you.
I choose A

Nothing personal, but I don't come to this forum to read or try to understand other peoples perspective on life, politics or any type of activism.
Old 03-17-2009
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C: read, decline to comment and let thread die a peaceful death.
D: create a sub-forum for OTT threads which are read only & stop trolling
(D is so very tempting )

Last edited by GreenBean; 03-17-2009 at 12:18 AM.
Old 03-17-2009
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We got a new alien, religion, conspiracy theorist, end of days guy here every week.
Old 03-17-2009
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Use the "Secret" to improve sales.
Old 03-17-2009
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Obviously the herd is a little scared.

1 in 1000 knows about the true nature of this world, 1 in 1000 is a terrorist by our new standards because 1 in 1000 rather see all governments gone and people rule. This knowledge is for 1 in 10,000 or more. Basically we are talking about getting familiar with Christ consciousness and achieving what ancients called Mercaba, or mind body spirit. Mercaba is a vehicle for time travel, dimesion travel, and space travel.

Originally Posted by
Cayce's references to the Christ, the Christ consciousness and the Mind of Christ has little to do with the personality known as Jesus. Cayce revealed that Jesus became the Christ - a full manifestation of the Christ consciousness - the perfect union of the human with the divine. It is God's desire for all of humanity to become Christs (or Buddhas if you live in the East). Such a condition will truly bring the Kingdom of God to the Earth. Cayce revealed that the Book of Revelation is the symbolic story of how humanity in general (and a human in particular) attains this manifestation of the divine.

Now, I noticed some of you called this religion. NO NO. You are wrong. Religion is what your bosses use to control you. Religion is totally made up and a total fraud. Religion is go to church, donate money (holly ****), go home, thinking you are sin free. Religion is crap. Don't confuse this knowledge with religion, it is not. Rather think of this knowledge as what you should have been taught in school but weren't. This knowledge is what a special group of people that rule you is hiding from you.

They rather bury you in fear if they have to, that includes wars, false flag attacks, bull **** on TV. What's on there? Some mindless entertainment? AIG bosses got bailouts for their bonuses, holly ****. None of that **** is real!
Old 03-17-2009
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LOL, funny/scary not sure
Old 03-17-2009
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Old 03-17-2009
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I don't remember added that smilie. Lol..
Old 03-20-2009
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bobrob you're wrong. Read the timecube site: Time Cube

It delivers proof!
Old 03-21-2009
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WTF thats the craziest site Ive ever looked at-

"Without Financial Support, I May Shut Down" - LOL, what a sales pitch, how much should I send?
Old 03-21-2009
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flat earth society is one of the biggest weirdest around,
Old 03-21-2009
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Time Cube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Old 03-21-2009
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bobrob you have deffinatly lost the plot mate

you need to go get laid

it think your computer is brain washing you
Old 03-22-2009
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Bunch of non sequitur crap.
Old 03-22-2009
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New Rule, no more Religion or Political talk.

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