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Old 09-01-2009
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Default A secret Diary of an eBay/Amazon Seller!

Had a great overnight, some great sales on Amazon, yet the last week has been very slow on eBay!

My new Amazon account must have been open for 3 weeks now, still haven't been linked so thats good news, although I am expecting Seller review anytime soon! Not looking forward to that!

We had a bank holiday in the UK yesterday, I sold an item on Sunday to a guy, I couldn't ship on Monday because of the Holiday, yet, 8.45am Tuesday morning I get a message saying "Why's my item not turned up?". The post offices haven't been open since you bought it, they won't open for another 15 minutes. In about 30 your item will be on its way!!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing I am noticing, is the HUGE percentage of "LOST ITEMS" on eBay. The last 100 or so sales under £5 (the rest goes recorded) approx 15 haven't turned up! eBay and PP are making it too easy for these little scroungers!

Amazon on the other hand, I have always sent anything under £40 normal post, and I have had 1 item go missing, in approx 500 transactions!

Work that one out!

Now turning my mind to christmas, and what I can introduce to make some big bucks, personalised gifts comes to mind, Mugs, Hats that kinda thing!

Well, now I have vented my anger at the scroungy scamming eBay buyers, I do feel a little better!

Why don't we use this thread for you to put your funniest experience of an eBay buyer?

Someone told me that their buyer paid them £300 for a phone, and after payment asked "Is there any scratches?" WTF Ask before you pay!!!!
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Old 09-01-2009
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My main eBay has been restricted for 7 days and my main Amazon has just been blocked, so I'm rebuilding at the moment. I got a backup Amazon up and my backup eBay just got vero'ed.
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