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Old 12-24-2015
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It's Christmas time on my household, and for some reason I feel warm and fuzzy inside. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm in a very different place this year, compared to my last Christmas.

So whats different about this year? Well, my business is flourishing!

Last year on 27th of October I invested 90% of my money into stock that I was planning to sell. I listed almost everything and worked my skinny little white arse off to get everything up and running for Christmas. On the 3rd of November at around 10:02PM I refreshed my gmail app just before the bed and I found out that I was suspended from eBay.

Its very, very safe to say that I didn't know what to say or what to do- I had my money tied to the stock that I had bought just a week ago. I had a little wee lad and responsebilities of a parent and I just didn't know what to do. I had literally done the thing everybody here tells us NOT to do- I had put all my eggs into one basket. Simple as.

I was lost for about a week, then started searching the internet and found this place.
Did I trust the forum at first? No, why would I! I suddenly found myself surrounded by people who were talking about eBay in a totally different way than I was thinking about it- It was almost as if I found a little cut off society of people who had totally different understanding of the same exact thing.
I read a lot, this was my lurking stage- I did a lot of lurking. Countless hours of reading, more reading, double checking, Google, more reading, asking an odd question, reading, more reading, thinking, thinking, reading.
Literally, every possible moment that I had, I was either thinking about what I had just read, or I wanted to go back to reading because I had more questons.

Then I just decided to "go for it" and I started my stealth operation based on everything that I had read and knew to be true. I used every bit of information about eBay and PP that I found on this forum to start selling again.

At first I didn't quite realise how its possible, but I wasn't complaining because I was selling! I was doing everything that I wanted to do, but couldn't do- I was back on eBay and nobody knew it was me! A person who shouldn't be there, but there I was!

Everything that I wanted to do when I first started my online business, got put on backburner for 3-5 months. Financially it didn't ruin me, but it frustrated me and it was very tough time to go through because I have a family to care for and I need to provide- People questioned how I do things and some family members said I should just move on, even my other half was worried that it would never happen.

But then, once I had weathered the storn, once I had good few months under my beld, once I got the hand of it and I made up the lost time... Thats when I started to notice difference and everyone around me saw the same thing: I was doing the thing I promised to do and wanted to do, nobody questioned me anymore.

Now, exactly a year later I have not only recovered from the position I was in, but I have proved to myself that the inital idea and plan did work, because I made it work.
Quitting was never an option, finding something else was never an option- It was just a matter of going for it and making it work, no matter what.
I have not only proved to other people that I can run a successful business, but more importantly I have proved to myself that my idea was good enough to work for it, to make it work.
Sometimes self-belief is much more important than financial gain, because that self-belief is like a little angry engine that just keeps on going, no matter what happens.

Today I sit here and I'm feeling good. I'm making more money than I ever have made and I do it from my own house. I don't need to climb the ladder, manage people or attend meetings- I'm literally my own boss and it feels pretty good, most of the time.

I'd just like to thank all the people out there who I have pesterd with my questions. I know that the questions I was asking at the beginning now seem like something that a retarded ladybug would ask, on a sunny afternoon. I apologise and thank you for the patience- I really appreciate it.
Mostly I have been in contact with "important people" and the one who has a different colour to their name- Only because they know what they are on about and they have the experience to back it up- You know who you are: James, Bunneyh, GB, MM, yankee, rsot and even the bigboss himself!
From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate the **** out the work you put in and everything you bring to the table.

BUT, because its Christmas and its about being equal, I'd like to thank all the newbies and random people that post here as well. Some of you are asking questions that make me want to strangle my own cat ad sometimes punch my Christmastree, but I guess if you wouldn't ask then the important people would have a place to school you and for that I thank you too, because by answering your really, really naive questions I can silently sit in the shadows and keep on lurking- Just keep on reading and thinking.

Thank you, every single retarded ladybug out there, I salute you!
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The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Haidukken For This Useful Post:
aspkin (12-24-2015), BigCJ (12-24-2015), Burger Box Man (12-26-2015), colt63 (12-24-2015), dan_ebay (12-29-2015), GreenBean (12-26-2015), ilcarletto (12-24-2015), jamesfatpig (12-29-2015), muzzie (12-24-2015), rsot (12-25-2015), TGMT² (12-24-2015), unkown5454 (12-24-2015), yankee (12-24-2015)
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!

Old 12-24-2015
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Awesome. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail, is perseverance. Its about never giving up. Now you're in maintainence mode. Keep up to date with the forum and you'll always be one step aheadof eBay and PayPal.
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Old 12-24-2015
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Glad everything is working out. Hope you keep on growing and expanding so that something like a illness or a personal experience does not effect your business and residual income keeps flowing. Something that all of us take for granted.
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Old 12-24-2015
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My idea also worked! Thanks to this forum and everyone here, without you, I wouldn't be able to get the knowledge to run the business which feeds me and my family!
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Old 12-24-2015
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Its good to hear your doing so well! Keep up the good work
Retired from selling accounts
Full support still being given to all customers
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Old 12-24-2015
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Good read, gives me hope in my eBay business venture.
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Old 12-25-2015
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What a nice writeup Haidukken - testament to not only the forum but your own great attitude.
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Old 12-26-2015
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Great story, you put in the countless hours to get to where you are now and you earned it, keep it up!
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Old 12-29-2015
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I've had way too much to eat, not enough to drink- Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you've had a lovely time with the family.

I agree with what has been mentioned before- Some people often think that others either get lucky, or that they don't get a break. Actually what it boils down to, is just simple hours that somebody is willing to put in- Most days I put in "too many" hours and when my other side tells me this, I make sure to do a bit more. It almost feels like he is a checkpoint and I compare her to "most people" and when she says that "Oh you've done so much already, perhaps stop now for a bit" then I know thats exactly the moment where I'm going to give even more, because thats that extra that other people usually don't do, because they feel that they have already done enough. It's never enough.

This year has been a great learning curve and a real eye opener in terms of where I'm at, and where I could take my business. The information I've gathered here has inspired me and also it has shown me possible future problems, with solutions in place.

Next step is renting a warehouse unit and moving all my stock there, set up everything to good standards and create a more professional way of doing things. Then I'll most likely hire my first "assistant" and slowly start delegating tasks to him/her and with some luck, same time next year they can look after more time consuming parts of the business, with a little helper of their own.

That gives me freedom to really focus my time on aspects of business that I can't delegate to somebody else. Most likely take on a new business venture and try to start another company that would deal in 100% different area of business, what ever it might be.
I'll never put the eggs into one basket, not when I have an opportunity and knowledge to avoid it.
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Old 12-29-2015
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If it does ever go wrong you could consider writing a book, that was thrilling, just needs more sexual content and violence lol.

Well done though boss, not much different to how I found this place except I only got a 30 day ban and still somehow have my legit account
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Old 12-29-2015
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Originally Posted by Haidukken View Post
Next step is renting a warehouse unit and moving all my stock there, set up everything to good standards and create a more professional way of doing things.
Let me know when you set it up so I can walk in and you can drop something solid on me so I can go on disability, thank you
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