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lakeman 10-23-2010 12:10 AM

Stealth book/Amazon Ghost under Username
When I reply to a question about ebay/pp, the first thing I do is check to make sure the user is subscribed(most of the time this means they have the stealth book). If they are not subscribed I recommend they purchase the stealth book to answer their questions, as most of us here do.

Now with amazon questions, I think it would be very helpful for the person asking the questions and the one answering the questions, to know if the person has purchased the Amazon Ghost. Maybe under their user name they could have something showing they purchased the Amazon Ghost? Perhaps an ebay stealth logo for the stealth book and an amazon ghost logo for the amazon ghost ebook? Or maybe even just the words? Anyone else think this is a good idea?

Not trying to give you more work Aspkin, as I know you have plenty. :D Maybe you can assign the job to another mod, if you like the idea. :)

aspkin 10-23-2010 12:29 AM

That's actually a pretty good idea.

I don't think it would be too difficult to implement either.

I could create some minimalistic logos too.


TGMT² 10-23-2010 12:34 AM


Great Idea! And basically that is what the forum is all about or at least founded on...Support for the Stealth Book.

aspkin 10-23-2010 12:39 AM

Not really, I mean it's nice but it's just an added bonus to the forum.

Its the forum first, then the stealth guides if a person wants to get the whole picture ASAP, etc. :)

GreenBean 10-23-2010 12:41 AM

jbluntz 10-23-2010 12:43 AM

Same here! :cheer:

GreenBean 10-23-2010 12:44 AM

lakeman 10-23-2010 12:48 AM

Glad you guys like it! It would be really helpful. :pop2:

MadSam 10-23-2010 12:50 PM

Yes it gets my vote. There could be different symbols under statistics for donors, what people have bought, etc.

pod 10-23-2010 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by aspkin (Post 176427)

I could create some minimalistic logos too.




MadSam 10-23-2010 06:56 PM

That's pretty good pod! Shall we see IDK's and get a competition going?

pod 10-23-2010 07:03 PM

No! If they aren't used I'm going home....

I didnt know IDK made some. I just threw them together. Not important if they are used... Was just playing around

MadSam 10-23-2010 08:31 PM

IDK did TGMT's TMNT themed avatar. What did you make them in?

holymoly 10-23-2010 08:38 PM

Not a bad idea...that way it cuts down the time users have to spend finding out what the user knows already.

SaiJin 10-25-2010 06:53 PM

You beat me to it, Lakey.
I have been struggling to figure out if the person needed help got the guides already or not. Great thread.

MadSam 11-05-2010 01:16 PM

There used to be a select your mood option on here under your stats - is that axed for good?

aspkin 11-06-2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by MadSam (Post 179725)
There used to be a select your mood option on here under your stats - is that axed for good?

Off Topic, but yes awhile back it was 'axed' for good.

holymoly 11-29-2010 07:12 PM

Kind of old topic...but are we ever gonna instate a picture to do this?

aspkin 12-02-2010 01:54 AM

Yes, it's on the to-do list. Problem is I've been pretty sick lately and haven't been up to doing much of anything. Lots of cold medicine is kicking my ass as well. :(

I was thinking though. Icons would be best? Or would something text based be okay? Icons would be more fun and less messy. Text based could add unneeded noise to the forum but would probably be easier and faster to implement.. maybe. Hmm.

holymoly 12-02-2010 02:17 PM

Meh...it's gettin colder and colder. Get better aspkin!

Always go with a picture. Quick simple, and once in the cache for the site, it's always there...not too much overload on any bandwith for all the users on the forum.

lakeman 12-04-2010 03:04 PM

Hope you get better soon Aspkin!

I see them under Jeff's username, they look ok like that, but they look kind of blurry.

aspkin 12-04-2010 03:08 PM

I'm a lot better now, thanks. I'm working on them, I'm just testing them under Jeff for now. :)

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