I think once enough people start cashing out, then they will fold and run with the money, in my view it seems a ponzi scheme, but im interested to hear your opinion as i hear many people using it successfully!
this company claims the invest for you and promise 15% weekly returns.
I think once enough people start cashing out, then they will fold and run with the money, in my view it seems a ponzi scheme, but im interested to hear your opinion as i hear many people using it successfully!
this company claims the invest for you and promise 15% weekly returns.
Dear, mostly everything promising you to invest your money and offering any % weekly returns is a SCAM.
Only work hard for your money.
I think once enough people start cashing out, then they will fold and run with the money, in my view it seems a ponzi scheme, but im interested to hear your opinion as i hear many people using it successfully!
this company claims the invest for you and promise 15% weekly returns.
Watch Youtube: Coffeezilla, learn from him and the scams he explains.
8-12% yearly return is good, you want quick and high profits, it will take risk and 96% will loose there shirt. So be the 4% that makes it or invest long term for 8-12% almost risk free.