I think Modee is talking on another field that most of us "common folks", like me... 
When i refer to Company Credit--I have it--but what I think is a Large credit Line,
maybe is peanuts to Modee..
My Corporate/Company lines are $35k on Bank of Amer, $80k on a CU, $150k on BOA Wealth Mgt acct,
So to me--theyre high-- Have i used them all-yes at one time, I had used most of them..
What do i owe today? Just what Ive charged this month.
Avail credit-- is over $558k..
BUT_ I just got a cld from Discover Card=from $15.6, down to $8800--why?
I can only think Economic times/ Crunch in Credit.
BUT__ I KNOW of some College kids (Men)- that are only in their 20's carrying around $50-$65k in plastic...go figure..
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