Here's some ways eBay detects ⊗⊗⊗⊗ IPs (different from geotargetting) - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 10-13-2009
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Default Here's some ways eBay detects ⊗⊗⊗⊗ IPs (different from geotargetting)

Here's some ways eBay detects ⊗⊗⊗⊗ IPs

I'm not talking about geotargetting as they already do that. I am talking about like if the IP already geotargets in the right area but eBay doesn't like it.

1) Hostname

If your IP has no hostname, they mess you up. Usually you can't even bid.

If your IP's hostname goes to some known web server farm they know.

2) IP and hostname blacklists

A lot of IRC servers use these blacklists to detect Tor and proxies. Email uses the same kinds of thing. These let people find a big proxy list without work.

eBay does uses these things and if your IP or hostname is on them, they will mess you up.

IPs often even get on these things when they're good IPs uses from regular ISPs but someone used an IP badly enough to get it on one of these blacklists, DNSBLs and all the funky names they call them. You sometimes will discover that when you try to connect to some IRC servers.
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