1. Go to myIPaddress.com: What is my IP address? How do I find my IP address? to see if your "public" ip has changed. This is the number that MUST change. Preferrably, have it change each time you log into ebay.
2. Resetting a router is as simple as unplugging it for a minimum of 15-30 seconds. When you plug it back in, it will try to get an ip from your ISP. HOWEVER, your ISP may only give you a new IP address every X number of hours or days. Dynamic IP's from an ISP don't always change each time you connect. Especially if you are using broadband.
3. Another option... Get a cell phone with a EVDO wireless connection and a build in wifi card. Get a program called WMWifirouter and install it on the phone. Use your phone as a broadband modem. You're IP will change each time you connect. The best to options for this is either Sprint or Verizon.
4. Final option... Go to either Sprint or Verizon and buy a USB Cellular Modem. Your IP will change everytime the modem dials a connetion.
PM me if you have more questions. I am a certified A+ computer technician, plus I used to work for an ISP.