I have a question regarding using profiles of a browsers to manage different eBay accounts it saves a lot of trouble of making multiple user accounts or portable browsers. As mentioned in the book eBay can only track you using cookies or flash objects as flash player is discontinued on every chromium based browser we are only concerned with cookies. This link explains that cookies are kept separate for every user and they are not in any legal way access able. Tell me your thoughts and have any of the senior members considered it but did not got with and why?
Last edited by ilcarletto; 09-02-2021 at 03:28 PM.
Reason: external link
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
Different browser profiles work exactly the same as using different portable browser instances.
That said, I agree with the other guys about using different browsers just to reduce your risks of making a mistake, if nothing else.
Google chrome has profiles, if this is what you speak of, you need to be aware of cookies and cross contamination if you are using multiple accounts, and obviously don't start 'inside trading', with yourself, that will raise suspicions you dont need :D