Paypal Account Permanently Limited ⊗⊗⊗⊗ Address Buyer Disputes - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 12-19-2009
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Default Paypal Account Permanently Limited ⊗⊗⊗⊗ Address Buyer Disputes

Ok so my account is limited now permanately, I was an idiot and left too much money it and now I'm F*cked. Has almost $2,000 in the account I am just lucky I got the other $2,000 out before they limited it. The question is this. I have a couple of buyers open disputes for items not as described. Paypal has decided they are entitled to a refund. They are supposed to ship it back to the address on my paypal account. The thing is the address is a complete ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and doesn't exist. So when they try and ship the stuff back, it will get sent back to them. So what will paypal do? When the merchandise is never marked delivered as the return? Doesn't it have to be delivered back to me in order to get a refund? What if it just gets sent back to them? How will they decide what to do? Please someone let me know ASAP. I need to ship out a bunch of items and I want to make sure that if I just go ahead and ship them out to them, I am covered even if they open a dispute saying it is not as described.

Last edited by vigilantex69; 12-19-2009 at 02:42 AM.
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Old 12-19-2009
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I would suggest you don't ship that product if its vero and if they said you are limited forever.

Open another screen name and sell it...I know easier said than done if you don't have one lined up.

Take the loss learn the lesson. They will probably let you do a bank transfer in 180 days so keep that bank account open to get what little left you can.

What I would do is contact the customers directly through another email and tell them to return it to an address you can get to but has never been used on ebay and paypal. Tell them you are not home until after new years and the item will not get delivered if sent with signature request or will sit on your door steps for weeks.....they want their money back and this is about the only time of year they would fall for it.

Keep the product and well the rest you can decide if you want to refund them or whatever. You may even win a chargeback in that situation from their CC company if you went that route.
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Old 12-19-2009
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If you dont care about getting your item back,cant you just refund the buyer and tell them to keep the item?
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Old 12-19-2009
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Well I meant more with the dispute process. If I sell something and they claim it was not as described. Paypal will say, we will issue a refund if they ship it back to you. The address is not real, so when they ship it to me it will get returned to them. Will paypal still issue a refund? Does anyone know?
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Old 12-19-2009
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You should have the option to specify a return address.

And yes PayPal will likely still issue the refund if it is sent to your stealth address.

I don't know how it works exactly in the US but in the UK either someone else would sign for it if the carrier could find a matching address or it would be returned to the sender with a note about undeliverable/incorrect address. The buyer will report this to PP who will then know you are using a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address. Either way they get their refund.

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Old 12-20-2009
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I had $3000 in my account before it got limited!!! god damn!

I withdrew $10k from there before through. Still unhappy!
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